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Carrier Sense Multiple Access(CSMA) In certain situations nodes can hear each other by listening to the channel “Carrier Sensing CSMA: Polite version of Aloha Nodes listen to the channel before they start transmission Channel idle=> Transmit Channel busy = Wait (join backlog) When do backlogged nodes transmit? When channel becomes idle backlogged nodes attempt transmission with probability q=1 Persistent protocol, q=1 Non-persistent protocol,< 1
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作业参考答案 第一章1-2,1-3,1-4,1-6,1-12,1-16 1-2 t+1-2≤t≤0 (a)解:f(t)= t+10≤t≤2 2 用u(t)的形式表示为:1-+2)u(- (b)解:f(t)=u(t)+u(t-1)+u(t-2) (c)解:f(t)=Esinu(t)-u(t-T),其中= 2ππ
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第三章极限与函数的连续性 §1极限问题的提出 -(t+h)--gt2 (Newton) 1 2 -=gt+gh 然后令h=0,先h≠0,后h=0 (Cauchy) §2数列的极限 Def1.定义域为自然数的函数称为数列,记为{xn}xn=f(n)n∈N
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UNIT 1: PROBLEMS 1. A reaction has the stoichiometric equation A+B=2R. What is the order of reaction? 2. A reaction with stoichiometric equation +B=R+IS has the following rate expression r.= What is the rate expression for this reaction if the stoichiometric equation is written as A+2B=2R+S?
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八.凸集与凸函数 1凸集 (1)凸组合:已知XcR,任取k个点x∈X,如果存在常数 a≥0(i=1,2,k), a1=1,使得ax=x,则称x为x (i=1,2,,k)的凸组合。 (2)凸集:设集合XR,如果X中任意两点的凸组合 仍然属于,则称Ⅹ为凸集
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隐函数与参量函数微分法 一、隐函数的导数定义:由方程所确定的函数y=y(x)称为隐函数 y=f(x)形式称为显函数 F(x,y)=0y=f(x)隐函数的显化 问题隐函数不易显化或不能显化如何求导? 隐函数求导法则: 用复合函数求导法则直接对方程两边求导
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一相量法 u(t)= Um cos(t+u)←→Um=Um∠u i(t)=Im cos(at+)→m=m∠9 KCL、KVL的相量表示:
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Probabilistic model Integrate over al!p(x1 Bel(x,)=ap(=;|x,)p(x1a1,=12a1-2,=0) ap(E, x )p(x, Ix, 1,a, p(|x,)p(x,1x1,a1)p(x1)d
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1. A reaction has the stoichiometric equation A+B=2R. What is the order of reaction? 2. A reaction with stoichiometric equation +B=R+IS has the following rate expression r.= What is the rate expression for this reaction if the stoichiometric equation is written as A+2B=2R+S?
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一、审计重要性标准的初步评估 (一) 1.会计报表层次的重要性水平 根据资产负债表计算的重要性水平=4000*0.5%=20万元 根据利润表计算的重要性水平=800*5%=40万元 根据稳健性原则,会计报表层次的重要性水平确定为20万元。 2.问题(1)、(2)涉及违反会计准则与会计制度的问题,性质严重,尽 管金额不大,但属于重大错报;问题(3),存货低估16万元,达到会计报表 层次重要性水平的80%,超过了存货的可容忍误差,属于存货项目的重大错报
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