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1.六管单元 (1)组成T1、T3:MOS反相器
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1.最基本,最常用的,测试物理网络的 ping -t ,参数-t 是等待用户去中断测试 2.查看 DNS、IP、Mac 等 A.Win98:winipcfg B.Win2000 以上:Ipconfig/all C.NSLOOKUP:如查看河北的 DNS C:\\>nslookup
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16-3波的能量波的强度 dm 、能量密度 取体积元dV, d 体元内质量为dm=pdv y Acos@ (- x u) ot =-Ad sinw (t- v =ay d Wk= 1dmu2 =pdVAd2sint(t-) 可以证明:dWk=dWp
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定理 7-6:任一(n,k)线性分组码若要纠 正 t 个以内错误,其充要条件是 H 矩阵中任 何 2t 列线性无关。 定理 7-7:(n,k)线性分组码最小距离等 于 d0 的充要条件是 H 矩阵中任何 d0-1 列线 性无关
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把一个mxn矩阵A,在行的方向上分成s块,在 列的方向分成t块,称为A的sxt分块矩阵,记作 A=[Asx其中A(k=12s1,2t称为A的 子块,它们是各种类型的小矩阵 常用的分块矩阵,除了上面的4块矩阵,还有以 下几种形式:
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利用微分估算误差限举例 例:设某机器上一个圆形的铁片零件的搬进的设计要 求为 r=100±05mm 试求这个园形铁片的面积的绝对误差限和相对误差 限 解:由S=πr2得: Ids=2T dr =2TT 100 0.5=314 mm T·r dIn(s)= dr=1/100 S· 答:(略)
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竞争的结果若导致冒险(险象)发生(如上例中的毛刺),并造成 错误的后果,则称这种竞争为临界竞争;竞争的结果不导致冒险发 生(如上例中的t1,t3时刻,没有毛刺),或虽有冒险发生,但不影 响系统的工作,则称这种竞争为非临界竞争
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卷积定理与相关函数 卷积的概念 若已知函数f(),f2(t),则积分 称为函数f()与f()的卷积,记为f(+f(t)
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17.1 Introduction 17.2 The mating pathway is triggered by pheromone-receptor interactions 17.3 The mating response activates a G protein 17.4 Yeast can switch silent and active loci for mating type 17.5 The MAT locus codes for regulator proteins 17.6 Silent cassettes at HML and HMR are repressed 17.7 Unidirectional transposition is initiated by the recipient MAT locus 17.8 Regulation of HO expression 17.9 Trypanosomes switch the VSG frequently during infection 17.10 New VSG sequences are generated by gene switching 17.11 VSG genes have an unusual structure 17.12 The bacterial Ti plasmid causes crown gall disease in plants 17.13 T-DNA carries genes required for infection 17.14 Transfer of T-DNA resembles bacterial conjugation 17.15 Selection of amplified genomic sequences 17.16 Transfection introduces exogenous DNA into cells 17.17 Genes can be injected into animal eggs 17.18 ES cells can be incorporated into embryonic mice 17.19 Gene targeting allows genes to be replaced or knocked out
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