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adaptation and injury of tissue and cell 1. what is adaptation? define: atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, metaplasia department of pathology
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During repair, the injured tissue is replace d by regeneration of native parenchymal cells completely restore (completely regeneration) by filling of the defect with fibroblast scar tissue
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Preface Veterinary Clinical Pathology: Veterinary Laboratory medicine Include: 1 Clinical Hematology 2 Clinical biochemistry 3 Clinical cytology 4 Clinical microbiology 5 Clinical parasitology 6 Clinical toxicology
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第一节概念和一般形态 第二节异型性( Atypia) 第三节生长与扩散
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第一节肿瘤的概念 第二节肿瘤的特征
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第一节充血 第二节血栓形成
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第一节细胞、组织损伤的原因 第二节细胞和组织适应性反应
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ANTITHROMBOTIC PROPERTIES Inhibition of platelet aggregation: PGL NO, ADPase Anticoagulant -binding and inhibition of thrombin: Antithrombin acceleration by heparin-like molecules, thrombomodulin activation of protein C/S, a2-macroglobulin. Fibrinlysis: Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
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