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Neoplasia Cause of death: No. 1 Cardiovascular diseases No. 2 Cancers
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This is a multisystem disease and an acute, often recurrent, inflammatory disease principally of children that generally follows a pharyngeal(but not skin) infection with group A beta-hemolytic streptococci
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1. 外阴及阴道炎症 2. 子宫颈炎症 3. 盆腔炎症
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定 义(Definition)妊娠20周以后或分 娩期,正常位置的 胎盘在胎儿娩出前 , 部分或全部从子宫 壁剥离
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左心室主义向后。向右。向下增大 一、心尖向下延伸 二、相反搏动点上移 三、左心室段延长,圆隆并向左扩展
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Repair(修复) As cells and tissues are being injured, events that contain the damage and prepare the surviving cells to replicate are set into motion
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1、概述 2、细胞和组织的适应性反应 3、细胞和组织的损伤 4、损伤的修复
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病理学(Pathology)是一门研究 疾病的病因、发病机制、病理改变 结局和转归的医学基础学科
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One Tnberculosis Two Leprosy Three Typhoid fever Four Bacillary dysentery Five Leptospirsis Siⅸ Epidemic hemorrhagic fever Sever Sexually transmitted diseases
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