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Chapter F9 Power notes Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets Learning objectives 1. Nature of Fixed Assets 2. Accounting for Depreciation 3. Capital and Revenue Expenditures 4. Disposal of Fixed Assets 5. Leasing Fixed Assets 6. Internal Control of fixed assets 7 Natural resources 8. Intangible Assets 9. Financial Reporting 10. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F11 Power notes Corporations: Organization, Capital Stock, Dividends Learning Objectives 1. Nature of a corporation 2. Stockholders'Equity 3. Sources of Paid-in Capital 4. Issuing Stock 5. Treasury Stock Transactions 6. Stock Splits 7. Accounting for dividends 8. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F13 Power notes Bonds Payable and Investments in Bonds Learning Objectives 1. Financing Corporations 2. Characteristics of Bonds Payable 3. The Present-Value Concept and Bonds Payable 4. Accounting for Bonds Payable 5. Bond Sinking Funds 6. Bond Redemption 7 Investments in bonds 8. Corporation Balance Sheet 9. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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1T形截面铸铁梁受力如图,许用拉应力[o=40Ma,许用压应力o=60mpa,已知 F1=12kN,F2=4.5k,=76510-8m4,y152mm,y2=88mm。不考虑弯曲切 应力,试校核梁的强度
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(一)边缘分布函数 二维随机向量(X,Y)作为一个整体,具有分 布函数F(x,y) 其分量X和Y也都是随机变量,也有自己的分 布函数,将其分别记为Fx(x),Fy() 依次称为X和Y的边缘分布函数. 而把F(xy)称为X和Y的联合分布函数
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(I)概率密度函数 设二维随机向量(X,Y)的分布函数为 F(x,y).如果存在一个非负函数f(x,y),使得对任 意实数x,y,总有 则称(X,Y)为连续型随机向量概率密度函数,简称概率密度
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1.结合C2的形成,说明共价健形成的条件共价键为什么有饱和性? 2.利用图7-4(b)写出F2分子的电子构型,F2
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Chapter F15 Power notes Financial Statement Analysis Learning Objectives Basic Analytical Procedures 2. Solvency Analysis 3. Profitability Analysis 4. Summary of Analytical Measures 5. Corporate Annual Reports
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第三章函数的极限与连续性 第一节函数的极限与性质 一.x→∞时,f(x)的极限 二.x→x时,f(x)的极限 三极限定义及定理小结 四.函数极限的基本性质
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高等数学模拟试题(2) 一填空题 2.设f(1则() 1 3.设f ( 4.函数y由方程 所确定,则=()
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