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I. Opening Vignette: Teams & Levi’s: A Poor Fit? II .Work-Flow Analysis and Organizational Structure III. Job Analysis IV. Management Skills Builder: On the spot interview V. Job Design
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I The appraisal process I The appraisal process 1.1 Introduction to the appraisal process 1.1 Introduction to the appraisal process 1.2 Appraisal methods 1.2 Appraisal methods 1.3 Appraising performance: problems and 1.3 Appraising performance: problems and solutions solutions II The appraisal interview II The appraisal interview 2.1 Types of interviews 2.1 Types of interviews 2.2 How to conduct the 2.2 How to conduct the appraisal interview appraisal interview III The role of appraisals in III The role of appraisals in managing performance managing performance 3.1 Do appraisals really help 3.1 Do appraisals really help to improve performance? to improve performance? 3.2 The performance management 3.2 The performance management approach approach 3.3 Performance management 3.3 Performance management abroad 3.4 TQM 3.4 TQM-based appraisals based appraisals IV. Summary IV. Summary
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I Orienting employees II The training process 2.1 Why the training business is booming 2.2 The 5-step training & development process 2.3 Training and learning III Motivate the learner 3.1 Analyzing training needs 3.2 Task analysis: assessing new employees’ training needs 3.3 Performance analysis: assessing current employees’ training needs IV Traditional training methods V Electronic training VI Managerial development & training VII Evaluating the training effort
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I Determining Pay Rates II Establishing Pay Rates III Pricing Managerial and Professional Jobs IV Compensation Trends V Comparable Worth Learning Objectives: List the basic factors in determining pay rates Explain in detail how to establish pay rates Describe how to price managerial and professional jobs Discuss current trends in compensation Establish a pay plan
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第一章 国际商务导论 第二章 国际商务的基本理论 第三章 国际商务环境 第四章 外国经营环境 第五章 国际商务经营方式 第六章 国际经营战略 第七章 国际商务的营销管理 第八章 国际商务中的进出口实务 第九章 国际财务管理 第十章 国际人力资源管理 第十一章 国际商务组织与控制 第十二章 中国企业的国际经营
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I. Money and Motivation II. Incentives for employees III. Organization wide Variable Pay Plans IV.Developing More Effective Incentive Plans Learning Objectives: Discuss the main incentives for operations employees Describe the main incentives for managers and executives Discuss the pros and cons of incentives for salespeople
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主编:付丽茹、解进强,课件制作:李晓新; • 第一章 物流企业管理概述 • 第二章 物流企业环境分析与战略规划 • 第三章 物流企业组织管理 • 第四章 物流企业文化策略 • 第五章 物流企业质量管理 • 第六章 物流企业人力资源管理 • 第七章 物流企业资本运营 • 第八章 物流企业现代化管理
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• 1.员工招聘与录用、培训与开发的程序 • 2.员工培训与开发的类型、内容和评估方法 • 3.员工的报酬与奖励的内容和方法 • 4.文化建设的主要内容和培育方法
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文档格式:PPT 文档大小:5.03MB 文档页数:79
第一节 市场营销战略 第二节 生产战略 第三节 研究与开发战略 第四节 财务战略 第五节 人力资源战略 第六节 企业形象与企业文化战略
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