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考研例题: 本题3分(数学1) 设矩阵A满足A2+A-4E=0, 其中E为单位矩阵, 则(A-E)-1=
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1. Historical background The growth of mass-circulation periodicals created a rich market place for popular writers o WWi stands as a great dividing line between the 19th century and contemporary America o a sense of the failure of political leaders and a belief in the futility of hope dominated
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underground['^ n d agr a u n d]a.地下的 via['vaia]prep.经过,通过 keyboard[ki:b:d]n.键盘 visual[' vi zj ual]a.视觉的,光学的 originate[a' r i si ne i tJv.发生,开始 originating call发端呼叫
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1 Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction 1. Experiments ① A magnet and ② two loops of wire,a loop of wire battery and a switch A current is observed in the loop as long as the magnetic flux through the loop is changing with time
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Collaborate Document Management Plan and design up front Create a short model section for information content and order Create a layout template Create a document control system for revisions Accept individual responsibility and deadlines
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1.证明:若微分方程xy\+y+xy=0有多项式解 y=a+a1x+a2x2+…+anx, 则必有a1=0(i=1,2,…,n)
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asynchronous[a'si6 k ranas]a.异步的 serial[' sirian]a.串行的,串联的 transmission[ t raen z'mi∫an]a.传输,发送 interface[ i n taf e i s]r.接口
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我们在中学里已经遇到过级数一一等差数列与等比数列,它们都属于项数为有限的特殊情形。下 面我们来学习项数为无限的级数,称为无穷级数 无穷级数的概念 设已给数列a,a2,…,a,…把数列中各项依次用加号连接起来的式子an+a2+…+an+…称为无穷 级数
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一、矩阵序列 1.定义:设有矩阵序列{A},其中A=(a),且当k时aa,则称A收
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