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学习目标: 1.掌握马斯洛的需要层次理论、罗杰斯的以人为中心疗法,埃利斯的ABC理论 2.熟悉常见防御机制的类型、焦虑的形式以及社会学习理论 3.了解各心理学派的基本概念 4.学会从不同的角度分析病人的心理和行为 5.具有在实际工作中给予病人人文关怀的理念和基本能力 第一节 精神分析理论 第二节 行为学习理论 第三节 人本主义理论 第四节 认知理论
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◆8.0 Introduction ◆8.1 Representation of Periodic Sequence: the Discrete Fourier Series ◆8.2 Properties of the Discrete Fourier Series ◆8.3 The Fourier Transform of Periodic Signal ◆8.4 Sampling the Fourier Transform ◆8.5 Fourier Representation of Finite-Duration Sequence: the Discrete Fourier Transform ◆8.6 Properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform ◆8.7 Linear Convolution using the Discrete Fourier Transform ◆8.8 the discrete cosine transform (DCT)
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◆Signal processing is benefited from a close coupling between theory, application, and technologies for implementing signal processing systems. ◆Signal processing deals with the representation, transformation, and manipulation of signals and the information they contain
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◆8.0 Introduction ◆8.1 Representation of Periodic Sequence: the Discrete Fourier Series (DFS) ◆8.2 Properties of the DFS ◆8.3 The Fourier Transform of Periodic Signal ◆8.4 Sampling the Fourier Transform(DTFT) ◆8.5 Fourier Representation of Finite-Duration Sequence: the Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) ◆8.6 Properties of the DFT ◆8.7 Linear Convolution using the DFT ◆8.8 the discrete cosine transform (DCT)
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◆3.0 Introduction ◆3.1 z-Transform ◆3.2 Properties of the Region of Convergence for the z-transform ◆3.3 The inverse z-Transform ◆3.4 z-Transform Properties ◆3.5 z-Transform and LTI Systems ◆3.6 the Unilateral z-Transform
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◆5.0 Introduction ◆5.1 Frequency Response of LTI Systems ◆5.2 System Functions For Systems Characterized by Linear Constant-coefficient Difference equation ◆5.3 Frequency Response for Rational System Functions ◆5.4 Relationship Between Magnitude and Phase ◆5.5 All-Pass System ◆5.6 Minimum-Phase Systems ◆5.7 Linear Systems with Generalized Linear Phase
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6.0 Introduction 6.1 Block Diagram Representation of Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations 6.2 Signal Flow Graph Representation of Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations 6.3 Basic Structures for IIR Systems 6.4 Transposed(转置) Forms 6.5 Basic Network Structures for FIR Systems
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◆2.1 Discrete-Time Signals: Sequences ◆2.2 Discrete-Time Systems ◆2.3 Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems ◆2.4 Properties of LTI Systems ◆2.5 Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations ◆2.6 Frequency-Domain Representation of Discrete￾Time Signals and systems ◆2.7 Representation of Sequences by Fourier Transforms ◆2.8 Symmetry Properties of the Fourier Transform ◆2.9 Fourier Transform Theorems ◆2.10 Discrete-Time Random Signals
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➢ 类风湿关节炎(Rheumatoid Arthritis,RA)是以外周对称性多关节慢性炎症为主要表现的一种全身性自身免疫病。 ➢ 在我国患病率为0.32~0.36%。 ➢ 可见于任何年龄和地区。 ➢ 以35~50岁青壮年居多。 ➢ 女性发病率高,为男性的2~3倍
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◼ 指由过敏原通过变态反应机制引发的皮肤炎症性疾病 ◼ 发病机制与I-IV 型变态反应有关 ◼ 约占各类皮肤病的50% ,发病率明显上升 ◼ 主要包括荨麻疹、湿疹、特应性皮炎、药疹、接触性皮炎等 接触性皮炎 Contact Dermatitis 湿疹 Eczema 特应性皮炎(又称异位性皮炎)Atopic Dermatitis 荨麻疹 Urticaria 药疹 Drug Eruption
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