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14.1 Distinction Between Forward & Futures Contracts 14.2 The Economic Function of Futures Markets 14.3 The Role of Speculators 14.4 Relation Between Commodity Spot & Futures Prices 14.5 Extracting Information from Commodity Futures Prices 14.6 Forward-Spot Price Parity for Gold 14.7 Financial Futures 14.8 The “Implied” Riskless Rate 14.9 The Forward Price is not a Forecast of the Spot Price 14.10 Forward-Spot Price- Parity with Cash Payouts 14.11 “Implied” Dividends 14.12 The Foreign-Exchange Parity Relation 14.13 The Role of Expectations in Determining Exchange Rates
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13.1 The Capital Asset Pricing Model in Brief 13.2 Determining of the Risk Premium on the Market Portfolio 13.3 Beta and Risk Premiums on Individual Securities 13.4 Using the CAPM in Portfolio Selection 13.5 Valuation & Regulating Rates of Return
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一、资本总公式及其矛盾货币本身并不是资本。作为货币的货币与作为资本的货币有本质的区别。作为货币的货 币是固定充当一般等价物的特殊商品,它只是表现各种商品的价值,并不能够带来剩余价值
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11.1 Using Forward & Futures Contracts to Hedge Risks 11.2 Hedging Foreign-Exchange Risk with Swap Contracts 11.3 Hedging Shortfall-Risk by Matching Assets to Liabilities 11.4 Minimizing the Cost of Hedging 11.5 Insuring versus Hedging 11.6 Basic Features of Insurance Contracts 11.7 Financial Guarantees 11.8 Caps & Floors on Interest Rates 11.9 Options as Insurance 11.10 The Diversification Principle 11.11 Insuring a Diversified Portfolio
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10.1 What is Risk? 10.2 Risk and Economic Decisions 10.3 The Risk-Management Process 10.4 The Three Dimensions of Risk Transfer 10.5 Risk Transfer and Economic Efficiency 10.6 Institutions for Risk Management 10.7 Portfolio Theory: Quantitative Analysis for Optimal Risk Management 10.8 Probability Distributions of Returns 10.9 Standard Deviation as a Measure of Risk
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资本家在市场上购买到生产资料和劳动力之后,就退出了流通领域,进入生产领域,从 而开始了资本主义的生产过程。剩余价值的生产是资本主义生产的直接目的和决定性动机
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一、生产的集中和垄断的形成 资本主义生产方式起始于 16 世纪,最终确立是在 18 世纪中期至 19 世纪中后期。这个时 期,以蒸汽机和纺织机的发明和使用为主要标志的第一次工业革命的完成,资本主义生产由 工场手工业转变为机器大工业,为资本主义生产方式奠定了物质技术基础
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 8.1 Using Present Value Formulas to Value Known Flows  8.2 The Basic Building Blocks: Pure Discount Bonds  8.3 Coupon Bonds, Current Yield, and Yield-to-Maturity  8.4 Reading Bond Listings  8.5 Why Yields for the same Maturity Differ  8.6 The Behavior of Bond Prices Over Time
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 7.1 The relationship between an asset’s value & its price  7.2 Value maximization & financial decisions  7.3 The law of one price & arbitrage  7.4 Arbitrage & the law of one price  7.5 Interest rates & the law of one price  7.6 Exchange rates & triangular arbitrage  7.7 Valuation using comparables  7.8 Valuation Models  7.9 Accounting measures of value  7.10 How information is reflected in security prices  7.11 The efficient markets hypothesis
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一、借贷资本 1、什么是借贷资本: 借贷资本是为了取得利息而暂时贷给职能 资本家使用的货币资本。它是一种通过货币的 借贷关系来参与剩余价值分配的资本形式。 货币通过这一贷放活动成为借贷资本
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