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Dividend Policy Passive Versus Active Dividend Policies Factors Influencing Dividend Policy Dividend Stability Stock Dividends and Stock Splits Stock Repurchase
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:216KB 文档页数:59
Operating and Financial Leverage Operating Leverage Financial Leverage Total Leverage Cash -Flow- Ability to Service
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Risk and Managerial Options in Capital Rudgeting The Problem of Project Risk Total Project Risk Contribution to Total Firm Risk: Firm-Portfolio Approach Managerial Options
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Capital Budgeting and Estimating Cash Flows The Capital Budgeting Process Generati ng Investment Project Proposals Estimatin
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Accounts Receivable and Inventory Management Credit and Collection Policies Analyzing the Credit Applicant Inventory Management and Control
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Overview of Working Capital Management Working Capital Concepts Working Capital Issues Financing Current Assets: Short-Term and Long-Term Mix Combining Liability Structure and Current Asset Decisions
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Financial Statement Analysis Financial Statements A Possible Framework for Analysis Ratio Analysis Trend Analysis CommonSize- and Index Analysis
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The Valuation of Long Term Securities Distinctions Among Valuation Concepts Bond Valuation Preferred Stock Valuation Common Stock Valuation Rates of Return (or Yields)
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The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments The Business Environment The Tax Environment The Financial Environment
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美国喜欢把自己标榜为实行自由贸易的国家。在与 其贸易伙伴,比如中国、欧盟和日本进行谈判时,经常 可以听到美国的谈判代表说美国经济是一个关税限制很 少的开放型经济。然而,尽管与很多其他的工业化国家 相比,美国的进口关税水平确实较低,但还是存在关税 限制。最近的一项研究表明,80年代,这些关税每年花 去了美国消费者320亿美元
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