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1.1一质点沿直线运动,运动方程为并由上述数据求出量值 x(t)=62-23.试求: [证明]依题意得v1=
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Lead-in Questions 1. Are you iron deficient 2. How would you know? a. tired b. have reduced ability to exercise. C. have poor stamina d. get frequent infections e. are lethargic
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Leading-in Activities: Discussion 1. What's your definition of money? 2. What attitude should we take toward money? 3.What’ your fantasy?
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Pre-reading Activities Structure of the Passage Intensive Study Expressions Patterns After-reading Activities Translation Writingo
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《新视野大学英语》课程PPT教学课件(第二册)New Horizon College English新视野大学英语 Book Two Unit Nine Section A Stop Brain Drain
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《新视野大学英语》课程PPT教学课件(第二册)New Horizon College English新视野大学英语 Book Two Unit Two Section A Environmental Protection Throughout the World
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重庆大学:《大学化学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第8章 环境与化学 8.2 大气污染与防治
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有些化学反应的速率很快 炸药的爆炸、水溶液中的酸碱反 应、感光反应等瞬间即可完成
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