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• Introduction • The characteristics of the biotech products • Techniques used to produce biotechnologic products • The pharmaceutical concerns of biotech drug • Products of Biotechnology • The future of the biotech products
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1) orally, conveniently carried, readily identified, and easily taken 2) compared with equivalent doses of a liquid medication, accurate dosing, most tasteless when swallowed 3) readily identified 4) Prescribing flexibility (a variety of dosage strengths) 5) from a pharmaceutic standpoint, solid dosage forms are • efficiently and productively manufactured • packaged and shipped by manufacturers at lower cost and with less breakage than comparable liquid forms • more stable, have a longer shelf-life than their liquid counterparts
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• 1. Introduction • 2.Topical Administration • 3.Oral Administration • 4.Vaginal Administration • 5.Ophthalmics • 6.Parenteral Administration • 7.Peglated Dosage Forms • 8.Fusion Protein • 9.Implants • 10.Other Novel Delivery Systems
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◼ Suspensions (混悬剂) ◼ Emulsions (乳剂) ◼ Gels and magmas (凝胶剂和乳浆剂) ◼ Proper administration and use of disperse systems (分散体系的正确给药和使用) ◼ Aerosols (气雾剂)
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I. The rationale for extended-release pharmaceuticals II. Terminology III. Extended-release oral dosage forms IV. Delayed-release oral dosage forms V. USP requirements and FDA Guidance for modified-release dosage forms VI. Clinical considerations in the use of oral modified-release dosage form VII. Packaging and storing modified-release tablets and capsules
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“精要速览系列( Instant Notes Series)丛书是国外教材“Best Seller”榜 的上榜教材。该系列结构新颖,视角独特;重点明确,脉络分明;图表简明清 晰;英文自然易懂,被国内多所重点院校选用作为双语教材先锋版是继 “现代生物学精要速览”之后推出的跨学科的升级版本。 本书是该系列中的《医药化学》分册,全书共13章,综合了化学、生物学 和计算机科学的内容,扼要介绍了药物设计与发现新药开发与应用临床 试验及专利申请等
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一、了解完全垄断的市场条件 二、掌握完全垄断市场的需求曲线和收益曲线 三、掌握完全垄断市场的短期均衡条件 四、掌握完全垄断市场的长期均衡条件
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一、了解寡头垄断的市场特征 二、掌握寡头垄断市场勾结情况下价格和产量的决定 三、掌握寡头垄断市场不勾结情况下价格和产量的决定
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一、了解生产要素需求的性质 二、掌握影响生产要素需求的因素 三、了解生产要素供给的特点
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一、了解工资的含义与种类 二、掌握完全竞争市场上工资水平的决定 三、了解不完全竞争市场上工资的决定
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