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Bacterial chemical components Water: free water and compound water. Inorganic salt: phosphus, potassium magnesium,calcium, nitrium,etc. Protein: 50%-80% of dry weight accordingbacterial kinds and age. Sugar: mainly distributing in cell wall andcapsule. Lipids: composed of lipid, fatty acid, wax, etc. Nucleic acid: RNA and DNA
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根据待选基因相关信息→确定筛选方法和条件 从基因库中筛选、分离基因。 多数方法是利用一段核苷酸序列DNA、cDNA或 寡聚核苷酸)或抗体作探针(Pobe),用放射性同位素或 非放射性同位素标记探针→筛选基因库
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24.1 Introduction 24.2 Clonal selection amplifies lymphocytes that respond to individual antigens 24.3 Immunoglobulin genes are assembled from their parts in lymphocytes 24.4 Light chains are assembled by a single recombination 24.5 Heavy chains are assembled by two recombinations 24.6 Recombination generates extensive diversity 24.7 Avian immunoglobulins are assembled from pseudogenes 24.8 Immune recombination uses two types of consensus sequence 24.9 Recombination generates deletions or inversions 24.10 The RAG proteins catalyze breakage and reunion 24.11 Allelic exclusion is triggered by productive rearrangement 24.12 DNA recombination causes class switching 24.13 Early heavy chain expression can be changed by RNA processing 24.14 Somatic mutation generates additional diversity 24.15 B cell development and memory 24.16 T-cell receptors are related to immunoglobulins 24.17 The major histocompatibility locus codes for many genes of the immune system
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9.1 Introduction 9.2 Transcription is catalyzed by RNA polymerase 9.3 The transcription reaction has three stages 9.4 A stalled RNA polymerase can restart 9.5 RNA polymerase consists of multiple subunits 9.6 RNA Polymerase consists of the core enzyme and sigma factor 9.7 Sigma factor is released at initiation 9.8 Sigma factor controls binding to DNA 9.9 Promoter recognition depends on consensus sequences
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第一节 痘病毒科 第二节 非洲猪瘟病毒科 第三节 疱疹病毒科 第四节 腺病毒科
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第一节 痘病毒科 第二节 非洲猪瘟病毒科 第三节 疱疹病毒科 第四节 腺病毒科
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ADNA的体外重组(切、接) B重组DNA分子的转化和扩增(转、增) C转化子的筛选和鉴定(检)
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一、染色体畸变 二、基因突变 三、突变的抑制与DNA的修复 四、重组与转座 遗传信息的改变
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Comparison of Meningococcus and Gonococcus Pathobiology Similarities: – Both diploccocci – Share about 80% DNA – Neither makes exotoxin; both make endotoxin – Both are relatively good colonizers
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一、 DNA水平的调控 二、 转录水平的调控(transcriptional regulation) 三、转录后水平的调控(post transcriptionalregulation) 四、翻译水平的调控(translational regulation) 五、 翻译后水平的调控(protein maturation)
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