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N-methylcarbamate insecticide residues, including carbamate metabolites, are ex￾tracted with methanol. The extract is cleaned up by partitioning and column chromatography on a charcoal/Celite column. Residues are selectively determined
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PERCENTAGE FAT, WATER, AND SUGARS IN FOODS Methods in Chapters 3 and 4 are usually designated as applicable to either fatty
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• 第一节 审美经验与日常生活经验 • 第二节 审美需要的二重性 • 第三节 审美活动及其意义
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The expressed purpose of the Pesticide Analytical Manual is to publish analytical methodology used by the FDA in enforcing pesticide tolerances. To understand FDA’s application of methodology published in the manual, it is important to
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1 Codes: C: complete (>80%); P: partial (50-80%); S: small (<50%); V: variable (approximate percentage when known); R: recovered but no quantitative information available; NR: not recovered
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Recovery of Chemicals Through Method 401 (E1-E2 + C1 + DL1) (methanol extraction, cleanup with partitioning and charcoal/Celite column, HPLC with post-column derivatization and fluorescence detection)
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• 第一节 审美教育 • 第二节 审美教育的特点和规律 • 第三节 审美交流与审美教育的实施
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Caution: Use this table only as a quick reference for tentative identification of residues found in samples analyzed by the most com￾monly used PAM I multiresidue methods. Always compare the residue to a standard chromatographed in your own gas chromatograph
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• 第一节 优美与崇高 • 第二节 悲剧与喜剧 • 第三节 丑与怪诞 • 第四节 韵与意境
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Pesticide Analytical Manual Vol. I Transmittal No. 2000-1 (10/1999) Form FDA 2905a (6/92) PESTICIDE ANALYTICAL MANUAL VOLUME I 3rd Edition, 1994 Revised, September, 1996 Revised, October, 1997 Revised, October 1999 EDITORIAL STAFF
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