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New Words deadeye: In informal English, dead may mean \precise(ly)\ or accurate(ly)\. ---Bill was dead shot with rifle. The model plane landed dead in the middle of the square
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Module8: Deadlocks(死锁) 1、System Model(系统模型) 2、Deadlock Characterization(死锁特征) 3、Methods for Handling Deadlocks(处理死锁的方法) 4、Deadlock Prevention(预防死锁) 5、Deadlock Avoidance(死锁避免) 6、Deadlock Detection(死锁检测) 7、Recovery from Deadlock(死锁恢复) 8、Combined Approach to Deadlock Handling(综合处理方法)
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Recall the following definitions: in any model M=(Q, (Ti, ai, piie), Ri is the event Player i is rational\;R=nieN Ri. Also, Bi(E) is the event \Player i is certain that E is true\ and B(E)=neN Bi(E). This is as in Lecture
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• 内模控制的基本思想 • 内模控制的基本结构 • 内模控制基本原理 • 内模控制的性质 • 内模控制器的设计 • 内模控制与预测控制
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浙江大学:预测控制(内模控制 Internal Model Control)
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一、问题的提出 二、风险资产定价理论发展进程图示 三、圣.彼得堡悖论(st. Petersburg paradox) 四、亨利.马可维兹的投资组合理论(Harry Markowitz' Portfolio Theory) 五、资本资产定价模型(Capital Asset Pricing Model,capm 六、莫迪里安尼(Modigliani)和米勒()的资本结构定理,mMT 七、罗尔(Roll)和罗斯(Ross)的套利定价模型,APT 八、金融衍生品定价:远期、期货和期权的定价 九、几点评论
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