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Chapter 1 Introduction to the cell Learning Objectives 1.About Cell Biology 2.Look briefly at the history of cell theory, 3. Consider the basic properties of cells; 4. Compare some characteristics of two different classes of cells: prokaryotes and eukaryotes; 5. Comprehend a special life: viruses
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一、填空题 1.脂质体是 2.基础代谢为7530千焦耳的人体,若以脂肪为全部膳食,每天需要克脂肪。 3.磷脂酰胆碱(卵磷脂)分子中为亲水端
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实验内溶 绪论一分子生物学实验的诞生和DNA重组一酶切连接、转化、筛选 发展
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Molecular Biology of the Gene,5/e--- Watson et al.(2004) Part: Chemistry and Genetics Part ll: Maintenance of the Genome Part Ill: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part V: Methods
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第一节 等径球的密堆积 第二节 不等径球的密堆积 第三节 分子的堆积 第四节 密堆积与同质多象
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1.Definitions: topoisomerase, ribozyme, double helix, DNA denaturation, Tm, linking number, pseudoknot. 2.What are the structural differences between DNA and RNA? How the structural properties of DNA and RNA determine their distinct biological functions
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武汉大学生命科学学院:《分子生物学》英文版 Intro 课程介绍
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Gene,5/e--- Watson et al.(2004) Part: Chemistry and Genetics Part ll: Maintenance of the Genome Part Ill: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part V: Methods
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一、 遗传工程概述 二、 染色体工程 三、 细胞工程 四、 基因工程 五、基因组学
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Molecular Biology of the Gene, 5/E -- Watson et al. (2004) Part I: Chemistry and Genetics Part: Maintenance of the Genome Part Ill: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part V: Methods
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