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《C++语言》作业题 1.编写一个程序,由用户输入两个整数vall和val2输出稍大于vall而又是val2整倍数的数。其计算公式为: 2.编写一个程序将用户输入的华氏温度转换成摄氏温度。其计算公式为:C=(F-32)×5/9 3.编写一个程序,要求用户输入一个不超过5位的整数,计算并输出该数的各位之和。比如,若用户输入的整数为1995,则输出应为24
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Spring semester, 2005 Project 5- The Meta-Circular Evaluator Issued Monday, April 25 To Be Completed By: Friday, May 6, 6: 00 pm Code to load for this project o Links to the system code files meval. scm, syntax. scm, and environment. scm are provided from the Projects link on the
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对于机械零件,我们常可把它抽象并简化为若干基本几何体组成的“体”,这种“体”称为 组合体。组合方式有叠合和挖切两种。一般较复杂的机械零件往往由叠合和挖切综合而成。 图 5-1(a)中的轴承架,主要由长方形板Ⅰ,半圆端竖板Ⅱ和三角形肋板Ⅲ三部分叠合而成, 故称为叠合式组合体。图 5-1(b)中的支承块,是从一个整体(四棱柱)中间挖去一长方 槽Ⅱ,前后壁上挖去两个圆柱孔Ⅲ,并在四角切去四块三棱柱Ⅳ组成的,故称为挖切式组合 体
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甲状旁腺分泌的甲状腺激素( parathyroid hormone,PTH)与甲状腺C细胞分泌的降钙素( calcitonin,CT)以及1,25-二羟维生 素D3共同调节钙磷代谢,控制血浆中钙和磷的水平
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一、嗅觉感受器和嗅觉的特点 嗅觉感受器位于上鼻道及鼻中隔后上部的嗅上皮,两侧总面积约5cm2。由于它们的位置较高平静呼吸时气流不易到达。因此在嗅一些 不太显著的气味时,要用力吸气,使气流上冲,才能到达嗅上皮。嗅上皮含有三种细胞,即主细胞、支持细胞和基底细胞
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Contents of chapter 5 1、什么是酶反应器 2、理想的酶反应器的要求 3、各种酶反应器的特点 4、酶反应器的选择和使用 5、酶反应器的设计
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第五章、因特网基础 5-1因特网为我们提供了什么 5-1-1丰富的的信息资源
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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation of fluid flow, heat transfer and mass transfer processes CFD involves the numerical solution of the governing equations Mass continuity
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Main Objective: Build a viable domain (B-rep solids, cutout solids, simple solids) B-rep (Boundary Representation) solids are composed of simple and/or trimmed surfaces Simple (Parametric) solids have cubic topology Multiple solids must connect at whole faces Surface and face congruency and parameterization must be kept in mind or the mesh quality will suffer
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Domains represent 3D regions where governing equations are solved Domains can be comprised of more than one solid joined together Domains can also contain internal 3D regions Cutouts- solid obstacles to flow Sub -domains- Fluid sub-domains: volumetric sources/sinks of mass. heat
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