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Letter Writing (Samples and Instruction) My dearest friend Recently I have noticed a habit of yours that is becoming a serious problem. It smoking. As long as you are in, our bedroom is filled with terrible smell and the ashtray is overflowed with cigarette butts
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Letter Writing Practice 2 Test Yourself You office needs to rent a video camera for one month. You need a small machine that produces a professional quality image. Write to Photofinish Ltd and ask them if they rent machines like that and the price. Write a full business letter. (invent any details you need)
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You work for an airline you have just received a letter from a customer who says that she had a terrible flight, that her bags did not arrive until two days later, and that one of her bags was broken. Write a letter apologizing and ask for further information so that you can arrange
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亚里士多德 ristotle,公元前384322)是西方学术 史上的重要人物。在许多学科中,如哲学、伦理、逻辑、心 理、物理、生物等等,他都写下了开创的或重要的著作。在 西方政治思想史上,他也占极其重要的地位。政治学是关于 阶级斗争的学问:有剥削阶级的政治学,也有被剥削阶级的 政治学
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一、多媒体教学软件概述 二、软件的设计 教学设计 系统设计 三、稿本编写
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1. This equipment, it is said, was commercially available three years ago 4.-1--1, it was agreed, should be replaceable by-1 at will 8. No textbooks available have mentioned this point
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The relative clause Ⅰ. Connectives that which 1. Relative pronoun
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Ellipsis I In compound sentences 电压的单位是伏特,电流的是安培。 Voltage is measured in volts and current in amperes. 地球吸引月球,月球也吸引地球 The earth attracts the moon and the moon the earth
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II. 19. This rule can be used for all integers, both positive and negative. 27. Impedance in an ac circuit plays the same role that resistance does in a dc circuit. 28. Two parallel wires a distance of apart carry the current i
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Part I Paper Writing Section I. The composition of an Academic Paper I The title 1. Features: brief clear ② attractive noun phrase
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