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随着社会的发展,人们的受教育面越来越普遍,受教育程度越来越高。在此基础上,问 卷调查法成为现代社会进行各种调查员常采用的方法。问卷调查法是访问调查法的发展和延 伸,在各种调查中具有广泛的用途,发挥着重要的作用。在市场调查中,问卷调查法也有极 为重要地位
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判断分析市场预测法是相对于各种定量预测法来说的一类预测方法。 判断分析市场预测法,也称定性市场预测法。判断分析市场预测法是指预测者在以各种 方法取得市场资料后,在对这些资料进行整理加工和分析研究的基础上,运用自己的实践经 验和判断分析能力,对市场未来的发展变化趋势做出估计测算预测值
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市场调查是一种有条不紊、规范化的活动,包括一系列繁琐、复杂的操作步骤,依靠个 别人的工作是难以完成的。市场调查通常是一种组织行为,必须由一定形式的组织机构来完 成。 市场调查机构是指专门或主要从事市场调查活动的单位或部门。对于在企业(或公司) 里设立的主要从事市场调查活动的有关部门,称为企业市场调查机构(或公司),即市场调查 的内部提供者;对于专门从事市场调查活动的单位,称为专业市场调查机构(或公司),即市 场调查的外部提供者
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《市场调查与预测 Marketing Research》课程教学资源(习题)第十章 习题
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1. Basic Earnings Per Share Net Income – Preferred Dividends Weighted Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding Intermediate Accounting 14 Earnings Per Share And Retained Earnings
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1. FASB conceptual framework FASB was given two charges: To develop a conceptual framework ofaccounting theory. To establish standards (GAAP) for financialaccounting practices
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1. Concepts of income Intermediate Accounting 4 The Income Statement and Income Recognition Capital Maintenance Concept Under this concept, corporate income for a period of time is the amount that may be paid to stockholders during that period and still enable the corporation to be as well off at the end of the period as it was at the beginning
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1. Accounting for cash Intermediate Accounting 6 Cash and Receivables Cash is the resources on hand to meet planned expenditures and emergency situations
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Intermediate Accounting 8 Property, Plant And Equipment I. Classification as property, plant and equipment To be included in the property, plant, and equipment category, an asset must have three characteristics:
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1. Conceptual Overview of Liabilities Liabilities are probable future sacrifices of economic benefits arising from present obligations of a company to transfer assets or provide services to other entities in the future as a result of past transactions or events
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