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PBL病例一新生儿黄疸 足月新生儿,男,3天,因皮肤出现黄疸1 天就诊,胎龄39周,出生体重3500克。 主要信息?
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一、新生儿肺透明膜病 二、新生儿肺炎 三、新生儿湿肺 四、呼吸暂停
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小儿血液系统疾病 一、红细胞系统疾病 二、造血原料缺乏营养性缺铁性贫血
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一、了解胎儿循环及出生后的变化 二、熟悉先天性心脏病的病因和分类,诊断方法 三、掌握常见先心病的血液动力学、临床表现、 四、常见并发症、诊断和治疗原则
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反复呼吸道感染(RRSI)是儿科临 床常见病,发病率达20%左右。是 指1岁内上呼吸道感染或下呼吸道 感染次数频繁,超过了一定范围的 呼吸道感染,简称复感儿
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一、 Definition Growth: volume increasing of body& organs Development: tissues& organs functional maturation, that is the concept of ongoing change and maturation Child development encompasses all aspects of pediatrics. It applies to somatic, psychological, and cognitive growth and to behavior
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Nutritional requirements To live to grow and thrive, humans must take in nutrients from their environment Before birth there are supplied by the mother, but ereafter they must be ingested If too little is provided, the infant will not grow and may become ill, and too much may lead to toxicity or obesity
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1.左右分流(右心室顺应性大)、肺循环量↑体循环↓ 2.心脏负荷↑RA、RV、LA大 3.肺动脉高压,较少发生较晚
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Rheumatoid Disease Connective tissue diseases (包含有120种与关节、骨骼、肌肉等相关的疾病) 过敏性紫癜(anaphylactoid purpura) 类风湿性关节炎(JRA) sle(systemic lupus erythematosis) 皮肌炎(dermatomyositis) 硬皮病(scleroderma) 风湿热(rheumatic fever) 川崎病(Kawasaki disease)
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Adolescence Adolescence, puberty between childhood and adulthood feature stressful developmental major changes physical maturity sexuality
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