1. frustrate [ frQs5treit ] 1)阻止(某人)做某 事;破坏(to prevent from achieving an objective) 2) 使沮丧(to cause feelings of discouragement ) The weather frustrated our plans. 天气破坏了我们的计划。 two hour's frustrating delay
integrate [ 5inti^reit ]使成整体(to make into a whole or make part of a whole) [搭配用法] integrate(building, river, college) with (setting, canal system, university) =make sth. An essential part of sth.; cause sth. To form a whole (with sth)
perceive [ pE5si:v ]察觉;感知(to become aware of through the senses) [助记法] per(全部)+ceive (拿住)-全部拿住- 发觉 implore [ im5plC: ]恳求, 哀求(to ask for or beg earnestly for) [助记法]im(进入)+plore(悲哀)-进入悲哀-哀 求