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1. frustrate [ frQs5treit ] 1)阻止(某人)做某 事;破坏(to prevent from achieving an objective) 2) 使沮丧(to cause feelings of discouragement ) The weather frustrated our plans. 天气破坏了我们的计划。 two hour's frustrating delay
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1. retract [ ri5trAkt ]缩回,收回(to take back or withdraw) A cat can retract its claws. 猫能缩回爪子。 to retract an offer 收回提议
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Word List 1. ban [bAn] (banned; banning)禁止, 取缔 (书刊等) (to prohibit esp. by legal means or social pressure.) Smoking is banned in school. 在学校禁止吸烟
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integrate [ 5inti^reit ]使成整体(to make into a whole or make part of a whole) [搭配用法] integrate(building, river, college) with (setting, canal system, university) =make sth. An essential part of sth.; cause sth. To form a whole (with sth)
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perceive [ pE5si:v ]察觉;感知(to become aware of through the senses) [助记法] per(全部)+ceive (拿住)-全部拿住- 发觉 implore [ im5plC: ]恳求, 哀求(to ask for or beg earnestly for) [助记法]im(进入)+plore(悲哀)-进入悲哀-哀 求
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I. 词义随着时间的变迁,产生了变化,出现了 一词多义的现象。词义的变化主要有两种方式。 若干个不同的新义,从同一个原义引申出来, 叫做radiation, “反射式变化”;例如head, 从 “头部”的原义,引申为“首脑
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1. Names of people ( 1) ampere [5AmpeE(r) ]n.安培-----from French physicist Ampere. (2) farad [ 5fArEd ]n.[电]法拉(电容单位)-----from British physicist Faraday
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I. Read the following sentences: 1.A monument was built to commemorate the victory. 2. The children huddled together for warmth
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一、 本课学习的主要内容: 1、与前置词 в, на 连用的名词变化规则 2、 идти, ехать 的人称变化形式 3、俄语单词的移行规则
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介绍排球运动竞赛规则、组织竞赛及裁判法。 课的任务:通过讲解排球竞赛规则及其规则的演变排球裁判法及手势,提高学生的欣赏水 平。 介绍体育英语单词: abnormal substitution非正常换人、 ace spiker最佳的扣球手、 action of blocking拦网动作、 action of giving缓冲动作
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