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Another(important! ) example: Periodic Impulse train n(t)=∑(t Sampling function important for sampling .2T
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Convergence Issues Synthesis equation: None. since integrating over a finite interval Analysis Equation: Need conditions analogous to CTFT, e. g
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1.aM with an Arbitrary Periodic Carrier 2. Pulse Train Carrier and Time-Division Multiplexing 3. Sinusoidal Frequency modulation 4. DT Sinusoidal am 5. DT Sampling, Decimation,d Interpolation
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Properties of ct Rational system functions a) However, if H(s)is rational, then The system is causal The roc of H(s) is to the right of the rightmost pole
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Problems to be handed in: In this lab, you will complete the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Exercises for the Echo Cancellation problem considered in Section 2.10 on pages 44-46 of Buck, Daniel, and Singer(BDS). For all of the exercises, please include
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PROBLEM SET 7 Issued: October 28. 2003 Due: November 5. 2003 REMINDER: Computer Lab 2 is also due on November 7 Reading Assignments Lectures #14-15 PS#7: Chapter 7(through Section 7. 4)and Chapter 8(through Section 8.4) of o&W Lectures #16-18 PS#8: Section 7.5 and Chapters 8 and 9(through Section 9.6)of O&W Exercise for home study(not to be turned in, although we will provide solutions)
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一、本课程要研究的问题是什么? 二、本课程的任务和地位。 三、为什么要学习该课程? 四、怎样才能学好该课程?
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1.用(t)表示x(t),由卷积积分求得LTI系统的响应。 2.用8(n)表示x(n),由卷积和求得LTI系统的响应。 3.在对信号进行时域分解的情况下,研究LTI系统的性质
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一、注释: 二、cfs( the Continuous-time- Fourier Series): 连续时间傅立叶级数 三、ds(the Discretetime- Fourier Series): 离散时间傅立叶级数
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Z-Transform The DTFT provides a frequency-domain representation of discrete-time signals and LTI discrete-time systems Because of the convergence condition, in many cases. the DTFT of a sequence may not exist As a result, it is not possible to make use of such frequency-domain characterization in these cases
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