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1 第一节 学校心理健康教育概述 2 第二节 学校心理健康教育的性质 3 第三节 学生心理健康教育的测评 4 第四节 学校心理健康教育的运行
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环境因素分为两大类:一类是指生 物有机体所共有的维持生存所必需 的自然环境,如食物营养、地理气 候等;另一类是指人类的社会环境 ,即个体所处的社会生活条件和教 育条件,包括家庭、社会、学校等 方面的各种影响。环境和教育规定 了心理发展的现实性
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Thorndike called the association between sense impressions and impulses to action a bond or a connection. This marked the first formal attempt to link sensory events to behavior. Earlier brands of associationism attempted to show how ideas became linked together; thus Thorndike's approach is quite different and can be regarded as the first modern theme, of learning. His emphasis
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A concept is a category under which specific elements may be grouped.e.g. a red ball, a red pencil, and a red chair are all instances of the simple concept “red”. An “even number” is defined as any integer(整数) that is divisible by two without a remainder, and that an “odd number” is one that is not evenly(均匀地) divisible by two
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第一节 情绪和情感的概述 • 情绪和情感的概念 • 情绪情感与认识过程的关系 • 情绪与情感的区别和联系 • 情绪和情感的功能 • 情绪的理论 第二节 情绪和情感的分类 • 情绪的种类 • 情感的种类
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born in Berlin, Germany, in 1886 1903-1908, studied philosophy and psy. at the Uni.of Edinburgh in Scotland and Uni. of Berlin. 1910, went to work as assistants to Friedrich Schumann at the Psychological Institute in Frankfurt 1924, went to America and worked in Connel Uni., Wisconsin Uni. And Smith College till his death. Koffka introduced it to the United States and systematized Gestalt psychology into a coherent body of theories
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Defining Declarative Knowledge: (labels, names, facts, lists). Declarative knowledge is often associated with rote memory. It is the substance with which we think. It is often associated with the knowledge and comprehension level of Bloom's taxonomy. Examples of Declarative Knowledge: Often within your instructional design there are terms that your learners need to know and understand in order to more effectively communicate or proceed through
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第一单元:确定问题 第二单元:分析原因 第三单元:寻找出路 第四单元:筛选方案 第五单元:计划与实施 第六单元:六顶思考帽
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一:什么是需要 需要是个体在生活中感到某种欠缺而力求获得满足的一种内心状态。它是客观现实要求的反映,是个人的一种主观状态
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1 Introduction 1 2 Interacting With MATLAB 22 3 Matrices 38 4 Calculations 62 5 Contingencies 99 6 Input-Output 128 7 Data Types 156 8 Modules and Functions 182 9 Plots 208 10 Lines, Shapes, and Images 248 11 Animation and Sound 287 12 Enhanced User Interaction 304 13 Psychtoolbox 323 14 Debugging 355 15 Going On 370
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