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第 一 章 导 论 第 二 章 国 际 法 的 基 本 原 则 第 三 章 国 际 法 的 主 体 第 四 章 国 家 领 土 第 五 章 海 洋 法 第 六 章 空 气 空 间 和 外 层 空 间 第 七 章 国 际 法 上 的 居 民 第 八 章 外 交 和 领 事 关 系 第 九 章 条 约 第 十 章 国 际 组 织 第 十 一 章 国 际 经 济 法 第 十 二 章 国 际 争 端 的 解 决 第 十 三 章 战 争 法
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甘薯(Sweet potato)又名红薯、红苕、地瓜、番薯 原产地为中南美洲的墨西哥等地。于1594年传入我国福建 广东一带栽培,至今已有400年的栽培历史。 世界甘薯面积为770万公顷,单产15.162吨/公顷,但世界 80%的甘薯面积集中在中国,中国栽培面积为666.7万公顷, 平均单产16.999吨/公顷
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Coordinate Systems Today we cover: Definition of coordinates - Conventionalrealization of coordinates Modern realizations using spaced based geodetic systems (such as GPS)
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Potential field based coordinates: -Astronomical latitude and longitude -Orthometric heights (heights measured about an equipotential surface, nominally mean-sea-level
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GPS Observables Today's class we start discussing the nature of GPS observables and the methods used to make range and phase measurements Start with idea of remotely measuring distances
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Examined methods for measuring distances Examined GPS codes that allow a type of distance measurement and phase to be measured Examine how the range measurements are defined Use of carrier phase measurements Examine rinEx format and look at some \raw data
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Basic concepts Basic problem: We measure range and phase data that are related to the positions of the ground receiver, satellites and other quantities How do we determine the \ best position for the receiver and other quantities What do we mean by best \ estimate?
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Estimation · Summary Examine correlations -Process noise · White noise · Random walk First-order Gauss Markov Processes Kalman filters Estimation in which the parameters to be estimated are changing with time
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Propagation Basics: - Signal, tagged with time from satellite clock, transmitted. - About66msec(20,000km) later the signal arrives at GPS receiver. Satellite has moved about 66 m during the time it takes signal to propagate to receiver
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Propagation: lonospheric delay Summary -Quick review/introduction to propagating waves -Effects of low density plasma Additional effects -Treatment of ionospheric delay in GPS processing -Examples of some results
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