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一、泰勒级数 上节例题∑(-1)-1=ln(1+x)(-1
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1.1000k,101.325kpa时反应2SO3(g)=2O2(g)+o2(g)的Kc=3.54molm-3 (1)求此反应的Kp和Kx (2)求反应SO3(g)=SO2(g)+1/2O2(g)的Kp和Kx 2.已知457K,总压为101.325kPa时,NO2有5%按下式分解求此反应的
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Let=R3 and The result we have found for two /R =k, we have inputs may be extended to any v2=-k(v1+3) number of inputs
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1.确定下列函数的自然定义域: (1)u=ln(y-x)+1-x2-y2 (2)u=++ (3)u=R2-x2-y2-z2+x2+y2+z2-r2(>r);
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The readings of three watt-meters Ax =v an+lnx vBx=vbn+lnx vc=von+v Nx (UANia tUBvibB+Uvicdt+l(uN(ia tibB +ic)dt T Jo aNaA foBNLbB +Uvic)dt The sum of the average powers taking by the three-phase loads
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n--a large constant voltage source (t)-- small time-varying- voltage source(small signal) >>(3) bsin +i=(),+ (o)=: JOX tniog gin9go int---(1)←0=()2utJ
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Frequency characteristics(Xi, xc,x,z, y, o vs o Z=R+A=R+(L+Xc)=R+ilo I
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1 At a frequency of 796 Hz, compute Zo,u and for a line having the following parameters: F2230 u H/km,=0.0055 u F, r-6./km, g negligible. 2 At certain frequency, transmission line has Zo=5560°andy=0.005+j0.03np/km The line is 60 km long. A sinusoidal voltage of 100V at the specified frequency is applied to one end. Find:
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复化求积法的基本思想: 将积分区间[a,bn等分,可得到n+1个求积 节点:Xk=a+kh,(k=0,1,n),其中h=b-a
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15-1频率为v=1.25×104H的平面简谐纵波沿细长的金属棒传播,棒 的弹性模量为E=1.90×10N·m2,棒的密度p=7.6×103kgm-3.求该纵 波的波长
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