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一、微生物的概念: 存在于自然界中的一群形 体微小,结构简单,繁殖 快,分布广,易于分离培 养,肉眼看不见的最微小 生物,统称为微生物
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血清学反应:抗原抗体在体外结合的反应,因 实施反应的某些重要因素是含抗体的动物血清 ,故名血清学反应。 血清学反应具有严格的特异性和较高的敏感性 ,因此可用抗原或抗体的已知一方检测未知的 另一方,作为传染病的辅助诊断和微生物的鉴 定
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霉形体培养特性 一、营养要求比一般细菌高,除基础营养物质外还 需加入10~20%人或动物血清以提供支原体所 需的胆固醇。大多数兼性厌氧,有些菌株在初 分离时加入5%CO生长更好
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1.掌握不同学科实验研究方法的特点和优势。 2.掌握如何根据实验研究的要求选择实验研究方法(包括一种或几种方法的要求) 3.了解各学科的主要实验研究方法
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has declined become the se led only by heart di person in three in the that one in five will die spective, cancer cells ca ch ing particular a Cancerous melanoma cells. nized by the ir d cers Cancer: Origin and Terminology The final section des
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realized that the immune system could go awry and, instead of reacting against foreign antigens, could focus its attack on self-antigens. He termed this con- dition\horror autotoxicus \We now understand that while mechanisms of self-tolerance normally protect an individual from potentially self-reactive lymphocytes, there are failures They result in an inappropriate response of the immune system against self-components termed autoimmunity In the 1960s, it was believed that all self-reactive lymphocytes
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the early vaccination trials of Edward Jenner and oneering efforts, vac nce of diseases such ng cougl Vaccination with DN A Active and Passive Immunization Designing Vaccines for Active Immunization mWhole-Organism Vaccines Purified Macromolecules as Vaccines Recombinant-Vector Vaccines DNA Vaccines Multivalent Subunit Vaccines mmon usage. Experience has shown that not every vaccine
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effector molecules that act to remove antigen b ren various mechanisms described in previous chap es antigen without A Second Exposure to Poison Oak May Result in Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity Gell and Coombs Classification IgE-Mediated (Type I) Hypersensitivity Antibody-Mediated Cytotoxic(Type) Hypersensitivity aImmune Complex-Mediated (Type Ill) Hypersensitivity
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ne system assume different roles in pro- the host. The effectors of the humoral molecules f cells Big CTL Attacks Little Tumor Cell Effector Responses General Properties of Effector Cells Cytotoxic T Cells Natural Killer Cells Antibody-Dependent- Cell-Mediated- Cytotoxicity Experimental Assessment of Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity
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response involves lymphoid cells, inflammatory cells, and hematopoietic cells. The complex inter- lls are mediated by a group of pro- les to denote their role in secreted by body in activity of cyto- Class I Cytokine Receptors receptors,signal ptors, the role of cytokine Properties of Cytokines
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