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《组织行为学 Organizational Behavior》课程教学参考资料:罗伯特·李·卡茨
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第一节 激励概述 第二节 激励理论
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浙江大学:《组织胚胎学》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)第十四章 男性生殖系统 male reproductive system
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《组织行为学 Organizational Behavior》课程教学参考资料:社会学习理论
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《组织行为学 Organizational Behavior》课程教学参考资料:津巴多模拟监狱实验
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《组织行为学 Organizational Behavior》课程教学参考资料:东芝CSR报告书 Corporate Social Responsibility Report(2010)
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Organizational Culture common perception held by the organization's members; a system of shared meaning Innovation and risk taking Attention to detail Outcome, people or team orientation Aggressiveness
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Leadership versus Management Leadership- the ability to influence group towards the achievement of goals- coping with change Management-the use of authority inherent in designated formal rank to obtain compliance from organizational members-coping with complexity Organizations need both for optimal effectiveness
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1.掌握: (1)咽囊的演化; (2)甲状腺、舌、胰、肝、胆发生的原基; (3)泄殖腔的分隔
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浙江大学医学院:《组织胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 1 Introduction
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