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一、判断题 1.会计的基本职能是反映与控制,而会计控制是会计反映的前提与继续。() 2.会计对象是社会经济活动的所有方面。() 3.会计只能以货币计量进行反映和控制。() 4.会计的方法概括地讲就是记账、算账和报账的方法。()
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内部控制的概念及其发展历程 内部会计控制及其应用 财产清查的意义、种类和盘存制度 财产清查的方法与应用
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 8.1 Using Present Value Formulas to Value Known Flows  8.2 The Basic Building Blocks: Pure Discount Bonds  8.3 Coupon Bonds, Current Yield, and Yield-to-Maturity  8.4 Reading Bond Listings  8.5 Why Yields for the same Maturity Differ  8.6 The Behavior of Bond Prices Over Time
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10.1 What is Risk? 10.2 Risk and Economic Decisions 10.3 The Risk-Management Process 10.4 The Three Dimensions of Risk Transfer 10.5 Risk Transfer and Economic Efficiency 10.6 Institutions for Risk Management 10.7 Portfolio Theory: Quantitative Analysis for Optimal Risk Management 10.8 Probability Distributions of Returns 10.9 Standard Deviation as a Measure of Risk
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 7.1 The relationship between an asset’s value & its price  7.2 Value maximization & financial decisions  7.3 The law of one price & arbitrage  7.4 Arbitrage & the law of one price  7.5 Interest rates & the law of one price  7.6 Exchange rates & triangular arbitrage  7.7 Valuation using comparables  7.8 Valuation Models  7.9 Accounting measures of value  7.10 How information is reflected in security prices  7.11 The efficient markets hypothesis
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 4.1 compounding  4.2 the frequency of compounding  4.3 present value and discounting  4.4 alternative discounted cash flow decision rules  4.5 multiple cash flows  4.6 annuities  4.7 perpetual annuities  4.8 loan amortization  4.9 exchange rates and time value of money  4.10 inflation and discounted cash flow analysis  4.11 taxes and investment decision
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– 会计概述 – 会计目标 – 会计假设与会计基础 – 会计对象与会计要素 – 会计信息质量要求 – 会计的基本程序与方法
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14.1 Distinction Between Forward & Futures Contracts 14.2 The Economic Function of Futures Markets 14.3 The Role of Speculators 14.4 Relation Between Commodity Spot & Futures Prices 14.5 Extracting Information from Commodity Futures Prices 14.6 Forward-Spot Price Parity for Gold 14.7 Financial Futures 14.8 The “Implied” Riskless Rate 14.9 The Forward Price is not a Forecast of the Spot Price 14.10 Forward-Spot Price- Parity with Cash Payouts 14.11 “Implied” Dividends 14.12 The Foreign-Exchange Parity Relation 14.13 The Role of Expectations in Determining Exchange Rates
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13.1 The Capital Asset Pricing Model in Brief 13.2 Determining of the Risk Premium on the Market Portfolio 13.3 Beta and Risk Premiums on Individual Securities 13.4 Using the CAPM in Portfolio Selection 13.5 Valuation & Regulating Rates of Return
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 3.1 Functions of Financial Statements  3.2 Review of Financial Statement  3.3 Market values v. Book Values  3.4 Accounting v. Economic Measures of Income  3.5 Return on Shareholders v. Return on Book Equity  3.6 Analysis Using Financial Ratios  3.7 The Financial Planning Process  3.8 Constructing a Financial Planning Model  3.9 Growth & the Need for External Financing  3.10 Working Capital Mgmt.  3.11 Liquidity & Cash Mgmt
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