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Main Parties Conservative Party the Labour Party Labour the Liberal Demacrats LIBERAL DEMOCRATS
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A 1 What is \Work\? Work: regular paid employment .Work: paid employment at a job or trade, occupation, or profession Important- 1. material consequences of work 2. the individual cultural benefits of work Unemployment-having disastrous implications
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Leisurefreely- chosen activities pursued during non-working time, related to financial security provided by work Leisure-- free time during which somebody has no obligations or work responsibilities, and therefore is free to engage in enjoyable activities
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1 Introduction- Basic Principles of*** English Law What are the basic principles of English Law? Explain \The Rule of Law\. What is the Law that is higher than man-made law? What are the criteria? What kind of orders are soldiers expected to disobey? Give examples. Should the pilot who bombarded the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia be punished for the atrocity? Why or why not?
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A 1 The Family In modern Britain post WW2, the amount of the diverse families has grown due to changes over time Nuclear family 3 types *Lone-parent family Cohabiting couple
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Objectives In this chapter we will look at some general features of Britain and set the scene for the more detailed examination of particular aspects of life there which are dealt with in later chapters
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建筑企业经营方式是指建筑企业向建设单位或服务对象提供 建筑产品或服务的方式,也是建筑企业获得工程任务并组织其 建设所采取的经营管理方式。 经营方式作为经济活动的方式,随着社会生产的发展,科 学技术的进步而引起的社会分工和协作的变化而不断的演变。 在国外,最典型的是英国,其建筑企业经营方式经历了五个阶 段,如表71所示
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马歇尔(1842-1924)是集十九世纪资产阶级庸俗经济 学大成的英国著名经济学家,新古典主义的代表、剑桥学派 的创始人。除本书外,他的主要著作还有《经济学原理》(1890 年,中译本已由商务印书馆出版)和《工业与贸易》(1920 年)。另一重要著作《国外贸易和国内价值纯理论》经他本人 修改后,作为附录J收入了本书 在马歇尔所处的时代,西方经济学者对一般经济理论大 都按一件商品或一个企业单位加以分析(今属微观经济学), 而对货币价值、投资
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一、回归预测的含义 回归(Regression)一词是由生物学相关概念引 申而来,它是英国生物学家高尔顿(. Galton〉 用来描述遗传变异现象的术语。1889年他在《普 用回归定律》一文中指出:每个人的特点和他的 亲属有相似之处,但平均地说在程度上有一定的 差异。他的朋友皮尔逊后来对1078个家庭进行 了调查,发现个子高的父母比矮的父母趋向于生 育个子高的子女,但是从平均数看,父母高, 他们的子女不一定像父母那样高,反之也不像 其父母那样矮。这种现象便称之为回归。后来这 个名词被广泛用来表示变量间的数量关系
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什么是小概率? 概率是从0到1之间的一个数,因此小概 率就应该是接近0的一个数 著名的英国统计家 Ronald fisher把20分 之1作为标准,这也就是0.05,从此005 或比0.05小的概率都被认为是小概率 Fisher没有任何深奥的理由解释他为什么 选择005,只是说他忽然想起来的
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