I. Greetings II. Review Have a quiz III. Start the new lesson 1.Introduction This article talks about birth of bright ideas by the vividly paradigmatic methods After reading it, we have a new understanding about the mysterious question 2. Discourse analysis Part one (Paras.1-3)Opening remarks: All truly creative activities depend in some degree on the signals of the unconscious. Part two (Paras. 4-6) Discussing the birth of bright ideas with the example some famous persons
What needed? to combine signals and/or to split them multiple ways up to 1000X1000 for WDM LANS three important characteristics Return Loss the amount of power that is reflected and thus lost Insertion LoSs the amount of signal lost in the total transit through the device Excess Loss additional loss of a device
Goal: Design a controller K(s so that the system has some desired characteristics. Typical objectives Stabilize the system( Stabilization) Regulate the system about some design point(Regulation Follow a given class of command signals(Tracking) Reduce the response to disturbances(Disturbance Rejection Typically think of closed-loop control > so we would analyze the
PROBLEM SET 11 SOLUTIONS Problem 1(O&W 1029(d)) In this problem we are asked to sketch the magnitude of the Fourier transform associated with the pole-zero diagram, Figure P10.29(d). In order to do so, we need to make some
Thursday, November 13, 2003 Directions: The exam consists of 6 problems on pages 2 to 19 and work space on pages 20 and 21. Please make sure you have all the pages. Tables of Fourier series properties as well as CT Fourier transform and dt Fourier transform properties and tables are supplied to you at the end of this booklet. Enter all your work and your answers directly in the spaces provided on the printed pages of this book- let. Please make sure your name is on all sheets. You may use bluebooks for scratch work, but we will not grade them at all. all sketches must be adequately
Directions: The exam consists of 5 problems on pages 2 to 19 and work space on pages 20 and 21. Please make sure you have all the pages. Tables of Fourier series properties are supplied to you at the end of this booklet. Enter all your work and you answers directly in the spaces provided on the printed pages of this booklet