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Introduction All babies develop elevated serum bilirubin (SBR) levels, to a greater or lesser degree, in the first week of life. This is due to: increased production(accelerated RBC breakdown); decreased removal (liver enzyme insufficiency) Increased reabsorption(enterohepatic circulation)
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Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome (NRDS) or: Hyaline Membrane Disease (HMD) Most common cause of respiratory failure in the first days Occurring in 1~2% of newborn infants (GA 26~28w, 50%, 30-31w, less than 20~25%)
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一、Definition 二、 Etiology 三、Pathology 四、Pathophysiology 五、Clinical Manifestation 六、Laboratory Data 七、Diagnosis 八、Therapy and Prognosis
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一、基本概念 二、病因 三、病理生理 四、病理 五、临床表现及分类:分类、度、型 六、诊断 七、治疗
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Professor and Chairman Department of Pediatrics, Tongji Hospital Director, Center for the Diagnosis of Genetic Metabolic Diseases Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology Adjunct Professor
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Bacteremia and Septicemia Bacteremia: a more benign infection with entrance of bacteria into the bloodstream, but in limited quantities. Septicemia: an overwhelming infection with more organism or more virulent organisms that is likely to lead to shock or other complications
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学习目的和要求 一、了解病原特点、致病机制; 二、熟悉传染源和传播途径、病原学诊断; 三、掌握临床特点、临床诊断和鉴别诊断、预防和治疗、并发症的处理重点和难点
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我国现有肺结核病人约450万,其中传染 性肺结核病人约150万。每年约有145万新发病 例,每年因结核病死亡人数达13万,结核病人 数居全球第二位,75%的肺结核病人年龄在15 54岁之间;80%的肺结核病人在农村。有 45%的病人因经济困难间断或中断治疗
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《脑外科》PPT课件_颅脑损伤 craniocerebral injury
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1冷热疗法的影响因素、禁忌症及各种冷热疗法 2.常用的各种冷热疗法
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