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第九章双口网络和多端元件 9.1双口网络及其端口条件 9.2双口网络的Z参数和Y参数 9.3双口网络的A参数和H参数 9.4双口网络的转移函数 9.5双口网络的特性阻抗 9.6双口网络的等效电路 9.7双口网络的连接 9.8运算放大器和回转器
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Ch. 5 Hypothesis Testing The current framework of hypothesis testing is largely due to the work of Neyman and Pearson in the late 1920s, early 30s, complementing Fisher's work on estimation. As in estimation, we begin by postulating a statistical model but instead of seeking an estimator of 6 in e we consider the question whether
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Ch. 23 Cointegration 1 Introduction An important property of (1) variables is that there can be linear combinations of theses variables that are I(O). If this is so then these variables are said to be cointegrated. Suppose that we consider two variables Yt and Xt that are I(1) (For example, Yt= Yt-1+ St and Xt= Xi-1+nt.)Then, Yt and Xt are said to be cointegrated if there exists a B such
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典型题精解(4-1) 41图4-1(a)所示一单元处于平面应力状态。试求:1)主应力及主 平面;2)最大切应力及其作用平面
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Ch. 11 Panel Data model Data sets that combine time series and cross sections are common in econo- metrics. For example, the published statistics of the OECD contain numerous series of economic aggregate observed yearly for many countries. The PSID is a studies of roughly 6000 families and 15000 individuals who has been interviews periodically from 1968 to the present
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习题解答 1、试从图示各构件中A点处取出单元体,并表明单元体各面上的应力
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一、选择题,选择一个最佳答案(每小题1.5分,共30分) 1.DNA双螺旋结构模型的描述中哪一条不正确: A.腺嘌呤的克分子数等于胸腺嘧啶的克分子数 B.同种生物体不同组织中的DNA碱基组成极为相似 C.DA双螺旋中碱基对位于外侧
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一、红、蓝宝石 什么是红、蓝宝石? 红、蓝宝石是宝石级的刚。其中红色者(中 等深浅的红色到暗红至紫红)称红宝石,其它 颜色者称蓝宝石,包括粉红色的也是蓝宝石。 其它颜色的蓝宝石可用前置形容词修饰命名, 如黄色蓝宝石。 刚玉是自然界产出的,主要成分为A2O3,具 有三方对称的矿物
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1技术参数: ·沟长、入沟流量 A计划灌水定额=t时间内入渗水量 +沟中蓄水量 mal =(b h+po ktl)
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第二章序列密码习题 1.构造序列密码的方法主要有哪几种? 2.序列密码对密钥序列有哪些主要的要求? 3.设3级线性移位寄存器在c3=1时可有4种线性反馈函数,设初态为(aa2a1)=(101),求四种线性反馈函数的输出序列及周期
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