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1. Reduction(fixation)of N, into ammonia(NH3 or NH*) 2. Synthesis of the 20 amino acids 3. Synthesis of other biomolecules from amino acids 4. The de novo pathways for purine and pyrimidinebiosynthesis 5. The salvage pathways for purine and pyrimidine reuse
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1. Reduction(fixation)of N, into ammonia(NH3 or NH*) 2. Synthesis of the 20 amino acids 3. Synthesis of other biomolecules from amino acids 4. The de novo pathways for purine and pyrimidinebiosynthesis 5. The salvage pathways for purine and pyrimidine reuse
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Radioisotope tracer experiments showed that the porphyrin(卟啉) ring of the heme groups in mammals are made from 8 Gly and 8 succinyl-COA (Glu in plants and bacteria). Deficiency of enzymes leading to heme biosynthesis cause diseases called porphyrias (The degradation of heme yields bilirubin, a linear tetrapyrrole derivative, and the typical pigments found
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The surplus amino acids in animals can be completely oxidized or converted to other storable fuels Amino acids in excess (from diet, protein turnover) can neither be stored, nor excreted, but oxidized to release energy or converted to fatty acids or glucose. Animals also utilize amino acid for energy generation during starvation or in diabetes mellitus
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An overview on D-glucose metabolism The major fuel of most organisms,4'o=-2840kJ/mole if completely oxidized to CO, and H, via the glycolysis pathway, citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation (generating ATP). Can also be oxidized to make NADPH and ribose-5-P via the pentose phosphate pathway
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细胞的免疫性主要是由于细胞膜上有专一性 的抗原受体,当抗原受体被抗原激活后,即 产生相应的抗体。 抗体能够识别及特异性地与外源性抗原(如 细菌、病毒等)结合并吞噬消灭。 另外,吞噬细胞和淋巴细胞的免疫功能,是 由于它们能够识别外源物质(细菌或其它蛋 白质等),并能将这些外源物质吞噬消灭
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[熟悉]临床生化在检验医学中的地位和作用;临床生化的领域和性质;检验医学专业的任务及培养目标。 [了解]临床生化发展的历史、现状及面临的任务
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第一节 血糖及血糖浓度调节 第二节 糖尿病 第三节 低血糖症 (自学) 第四节 糖代谢的先天性异常(自学)
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第一节 酶的概念与特征(自学) 第二节 血清酶 第三节 酶促反应动力学 第四节 酶活性浓度的测定技术 第五节 酶的免疫化学测定 第六节 同工酶及其亚型测定 第七节 工具酶及其临床应用 第八节 临床常用血清酶、同工酶
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第一节 体液平衡 第二节 体液平衡紊乱 第三节 钠、钾、氯的测定 第四节 血气分析 第五节 酸碱平衡紊乱
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