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为方便计算和解决环形网络变压器变比 不匹配,造成参数难以归算的问题,对变压器 采用非标准变比的变压器等效电路---- 型等效 电路
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8-1飞机直流配电系统的构成与分类 8-2直流电网的计算 8-3直流电网的保护 8-4飞机电气综合检测系统
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Six contiguous stereogenic centers. Class of molecules : Steroids. ?Steroids are important biomolecules because of their powerful biological activity
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4.1电力系统故障分析的目的与内容 4.2三相对称短路的基本分析 4.3三相短路电流周期分量的实用计算 4.4分析不对称故障的基本理论
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一、电力系统故障分析的目的与内容 二、三相对称短路的基本分析 三、三相短路电流周期分量的实用计算 四、分析不对称故障的基本理论
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Armstrong, R.W., Beau, J. M: Cheon, S H; Christ, H;kaloka,H:Ham,WH.Hawkins,LD; Jir WJ McWhorter, w.w., Jr. Mizuno, M, Nakata, M Stutz, A.E., Talamas, F.X.: Taniguchi, M: Tino J.A., Ueda, K, Uenishi, J, White, J B, Yonaga OH
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Brevetoxin B is a marine neurotoxin most commonly associated with Red Tides – Annually responsible for the deaths of thousands of marine organisms The structure of this poison was identified in 1981 by Lin
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Poison Isolated in 1818 Used as a pestcide and in medicine as a stimulant for the central nervous system Structure elucidation in 1946
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1,5-二羰基化合物生成反应 Michael反应: 活泼亚甲基化合物和 , -不 饱和羰基化合物碱催化加成 –活泼亚甲基化合物: 丙二酸酯、氰乙酸 酯、乙酰乙酸酯、乙酰丙酮、硝基烷类
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