第一节 孕妇营养 (Nutrition inpregnancy) 第二节 乳母营养 (Nutrition in lactation) 第三节 婴儿营养 (Nutrition in infants) 第四节 学龄前儿童的营养 nutrition for preschool children 第五节 学龄期儿童和青少年营养 nutrition for school children 第六节 老年人营养 Nutrition for the elderly
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Chinese-English Translation Ⅰ. Three peaks of translation in history 1. The Translation of Buddhist Classics: the First Peak 2. The translation of books on science and technology: the second peak (科技翻译:中国的士大夫和传教士联手将欧洲的宗教、哲 学、科技和文学等“西学”介绍到中国来。) 3.The Translation of Western Classics: the Third Peak (鸦片战争后至“五四”前的西方政治思想和文学翻译)