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一、填空题: 1.取样,试样分解,分离测定和分析结果计算及评价 2.14.4 3.0.12 4.控制酸度:消除A13干扰,起掩蔽作用 5. [H']+[HCN]=[]
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1范围 本方法适用于地面水、饮用水、污水、电子电镀、生化等一般工业废水中NO3N的测 定。 本方法的检出限为0.21mg/LNO3-N。线性测量范围为1.00~1000mg/lno3-n 试验了sO2、pO4、Cr、Br、I、Ac、HCO3、CO32、C2O42、nO2、s2、+、nH4、 A13+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Zn2+、Cu2+、Pb2、Fe2+、Fe+对测定的干扰,其中s2、r明显干扰,Br 大于57倍,NO2大于32倍,C大于250倍时有干扰,其他均无干扰
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复旦大学:《数学物理方法 Methods of Mathematical Physics》课程教学资源(讲义,A)13 球函数
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1.试计算下属序列的DFT(a)(13,17,19,23)(b)(2,1,3,7,5,4,0,6) 2.试计算下述序列的逆DFT(a)(16,-0.76+8.66i,-6+6i,-9.25+2.66i0,-9.25-
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Chapter 13 Topics Meaning of a list Insertion and Deletion of List Elements Selection sort of list elements Insertion and Deletion using a Sorted List Binary Search in a Sorted list Order of Magnitude of a Function
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University Lesson 13 Managerial Accounting I: Concepts and Principles xercise Sunny Brockman has develop a new avic ce that is so exciting he is considering
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Word13 multimedia[. mAl i''midjn.多媒体 describe[dis k]v.描述,形容 mixture['m tfan.混合,混合物 consequent['kon wan]a.作为结果的,随之发生的
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Chapter 13-Learning objectives Explain the nature of the chi-square distribution Apply the chi-square distribution to Goodness-of-fit tests Tests of independence between 2 variables Tests comparing proportions from multiple populations Tests of a single population variance o 2002 The Wadsworth Group
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Notes for Recitation 13 Basic Counting Notions bijection or bijective function is function:x→ such that every element of the codomain is related to exactly one element of the domain. Here is an example of a bijection:
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I Systems Microbiology(13 Lectures 7hece∥ as a we∥}- stirred boc/ nem/ca/ reactor Introduction 2 Chemical kinetics, Equilibrium binding, cooperativity L3 Lambda phage L4 Stability analysis L5-6 Genetic switches
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