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Unit 11 Insurance Letter 1 1. We wish to refer you to our Order No. 123 for 1000 sets of TCL Colour Television, from which you will see that this order is placed on a CFR basis
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Unit 12 Claim and Settlement Points for attention: When making a claim, plan your letter as follows: Begin by regretting the need to complain Mention the date of the order, the date of delivery and the goods complained about
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Unit 9 packing Letter 1 1. ready--made:现成的 2. indemnification:赔偿 3. seaworthy:适合海上运输的 4.tacit:心照不宣的 5.on account of:因为 6candid:直率的
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Unit 8 payment Points for attention: Letters regarding payment often fall into the following types: discussing mode of payment, urging establishment of L/C, amending L/ or asking for extension of L/C
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Unit 17 Electronic correspondence 电子信函 E-mail Fax Telex:电传
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Unit 14 Flexible trade Letter 1 Take up:从事 Undertake:承担,保证 The down payment for the production line can not be higher than 10%of the total value; Repayment:偿还的款项
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Unit 10 Shipping Points for attention: Letters regarding shipment are usually written for the following purposes: To urge an early shipment; To amend shipping terms; ·To give shipping advice; To despatch shipping documents
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Unit 7 Order and their fulfilment Points for attention 订单是为了要求供应具体数量的货物而提出的一种要求。它是对报盘或询盘后发出报价而促成的结果。订单可以用信印制好的订单、传真或 emial来发送卖方则用印制好的确认书来回复
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Unit 6 Sales Promotion Points for attention: 1.信要短。 2.在开头一段就得抓住读者的兴趣。 3.说明产品或服务的益处,并以事实或数据使读者相信。 4/尽可能使信的语气象私人交往
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Unit 3 Establishing Business Relations Points for Attention 建立业务关系的信,通常是发信的一方在通过一定的途径得到对方公司的名称和地址,并经过初步信用调查后,向对方发出的。信的内容一般包括以下几点:
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