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北京大学:《集成电路原理与设计 Principle of Integrated Circuits》课程电子教案(数字集成电路原理与设计)chap7-1 第七章 MOS存储器 7.1 MOS存储器结构
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北京大学:《集成电路原理与设计 Principle of Integrated Circuits》课程电子教案(数字集成电路原理与设计)chap8 第八章 VLSI设计方法
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• Semiconductor fabrication • Layout fundamental • Semiconductor testing • Semiconductor assembling
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Lab 1_1 HSPICE Simulation Lab 1_2 CMOS Inverter Download and Upload
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《数字集成电路 Digital Integrated Circuit》课程教学资源(阅读资料)IC testing_An introduction to IC testing
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《数字集成电路 Digital Integrated Circuit》课程教学资源(阅读资料)IC testing_Design, Manufacturing & Test of Integrated Circuits in the Nanotechnology Era
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《数字集成电路 Digital Integrated Circuit》课程教学资源(阅读资料)IC testing_Novel Applications of Deep Learning Hidden Features for Adaptive Testing
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深亚微米数字集成电路的自动设计方法 An Automatic Design Methodology for Deep Submicron Digital ICs
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电子科技大学:《高等数字集成电路设计 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Design》课程教学资源(教学大纲,负责人:贺雅娟)
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❑ 1.1 Introduction ❑ 1.2 Overview on Manufacturing Process ❑ 1.3 The MOS(FET) Transistor ❑ 1.3.1 I-V/C-V characteristics (self-learning) ❑ 1.3.2 SPICE Models ❑ 1.4 Process Variations
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