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例152:如图7-2所示,起点为(0,0),终点为(12,5)的直线的3B指令是 B1200OB500OB12000GXL1 例153:如图7-3所示,半径为9.22,圆心坐标为(0,0),起点坐标为(-2,9),终点坐 标为(9,-2)的圆弧3B指令是:B2000B9000825440GYNR2 例154:如图7-4所示,当加工直线时,起点为A(2,2),终点为B(18,8)图5.中的G 选取GY,则计算长度J=8-2=6,直线的3B指令如下
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例152:如图7-2所示,起点为(0,0),终点为(12,5)的直线的3B指令是 B1200OB500OB12000GXL1 例153:如图7-3所示,半径为9.22,圆心坐标为(0,0),起点坐标为(-2,9),终点坐 标为(9,-2)的圆弧3B指令
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一、巴纳德理论 二、西蒙理论 三、组织行为学(OB) 四、德鲁克理论
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一、巴纳德理论 二、西蒙理论 三、组织行为学(OB) 四、德鲁克理论
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Launch Gate So the main ob jectives of this training are Brief history and background of Ipm Lotus notes Explain how to use IPM IT Tools(Inoplan) starting a pro ject managing a pro ject in Inoplan viewing pro jects in inoplan Post launch Evaluation procedure IPM support(network; Info Feedback) Project management ( Jane Turner Risk Management(Mike Trevethan, yalin Xu)
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Chapter 8 British Holidays and festivals Time Allocation: 2 periods Focal Points: Christmas. Christian trinity. Easter and Halloween . Introduction Holiday is a day set apart for religious ob'servance or for the commemoration of some extraordinary event or distinguished person, or for some other public occasion Holidays are characterized by a partial or total cessation of work and normal
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1、水平角测量原理 水平角是指过空间两条相交方向线所作的铅垂面 间所夹的二面角,角值为0°~360°。空间两 直线OA和OB相交于点O,将点A,O,B沿铅垂 方向投影到水平面上,得相应的投影点A′,O′, B′,水平线O′A′和O′B′的夹角B就是过两 方向线所作的铅垂面间的夹角,即水平角
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When conducting monetary and fiscal policy, policymakers often look be- yond their own country's borders Even if domestic prosperity is their sole ob jective, it is necessary for them to consider the rest of the world. The international flow of goods and services and the international flow of capital can affect an economy in profound ways. Policymakers ignore these effects at In this chapter we extend our analysis of aggregate demand to include inter- national trade and finance. The model developed in this chapter, called the Mundell-Fleming model, is an open-economy version of the IS-LM model. Both models stress the interaction between the goods market and the money market. Both models assume that the price level is fixed and then show what
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const int maxLen = 128; class String { int curLen; //串的当前长度 char *ch; //串的存储数组 public: String ( const String& ob ); String ( const char * init );
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(一)轴的受力分析及强度计算 一.心轴一只受弯矩→按弯曲强度计算 1.受力分析:由M→Ob ①固定心轴一轴不转动压,拉设:M不变→∴不变→静应力r=+1但常开停→脉动循环变应力r=0
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