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华南师范大学教育科学学院《教育心理学》英文版ppt完整课件: Chapter 10 transfer of learning(ppt) Chapter 12 Moral trait(ppt) Chapter 14 Motivation(ppt) Ausubel(ppt) Bruner(ppt) Gestalt Psychology(new)(ppt) Gestalt Psychology(ppt) Tolman(ppt) Tolman教学录相(ppt) constructivism(ppt) Chapter 7 knowledge learning and instruction(ppt) declarative knowledge(doc) learning strategy(doc) Learning strategy(ppt) Educational Psychology(introduction(ppt) The history and development of E.P.(ppt) Theories of Development(ppt) Behavioral Learning Theories(ppt) Learning:introduction(ppt) Bandura(ppt) Behavioral Learning Theories(Thorndike)(ppt) Pavlov and Waston)(ppt) Skinner(ppt)
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《大学体验英语》第四册ppt、word教学课件(英文版),内容翔实: U5_C—S.ppt Are You Introverted(doc) Funny psychological test(doc) Test on Assessment of Self(doc) Test Your Psychological Adaptability(doc) To test if you are self(doc) Psychological Health.ppt Culture and Internet.ppt Culture and Internet.unit2.ppt Unit Three.ppt Unit 4.ppt U5_R—E.ppt U5_W—P.ppt Unit five.ppt
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《染整原理》ppt教学课件(双语): Chapter 1 Water and Tenside chapter 2 Desizing and Boiling-out Chapter 3 Bleaching Chapter 4-2 Mercerizing Chapter 5-4 Wool Finishing Chapter 7 Thermosetting Chapter 8 General Finishing Chapter 9 Shrink Resist Finishing Chapter 10-2_Anti-crease
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《当代英国概况》ppt。作为研究英国的基本知识,主要讲解英国国家的人文地理、风俗、以及各种文化等: Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 10 Beliefs Chapter 11 Welfare Chapter 12 Domestic Economy Chapter 13 System of Government Chapter 14 Political Parties Chapter 15 Media (1) Chapter 17 Britain and the world Chapter 18 Foreign Trade Chapter 2 Family & personal Relationship Chapter 3 Family & Personal relationship (II) Chapter 4 Education Chapter 5 Welfare Chapter 6 Leisure Chapter 7 Holidays & Tourism Chapter 8 Crime & the Police Chapter 9 Justice and the
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上海交大的有机化学(英文版)电子教案: Chapter 1 Structure and Bonding;Acids and bases 结构与化学键; 酸和碱.pdf 2. The Nature of Organic Compounds: Alkanes 有机化合物的种类: 烷烃.pdf 3. Alkenes : The Nature of Organic Reaction 烯烃:有机反应的种类.pdf 4. Alkenes and Alkynes.pdf 5. Aromatic Compounds.pdf 6. Stereochemistry.pdf 7. Alkyl Halides.pdf 8. Alcohols, Ethers,and Phenols.pdf 9. Aldehydes and Ketones:Nucleophilic Addition Reactions.pdf 10: Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives.pdf 11. Carbonyl Alpha- Substitution Reactions and Condensations.pdf 12. Amines – Organic Nitrogen Compounds.pdf 13. Structure Determination.pdf
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now that we all know the structure of DNA (right?), I can get a little more artistic. This is intended to be sort of an outdoorsy image, with each strand one color - brown and green for tree bark and leaves. Okay, so it's a little hokey... :)
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食品和生物分离(Separation Processes in the Food and Biotechnology Industrie)pdf电子图书,内容全面、丰富。
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类型:电子教案 大小:10.47MB 下载/浏览:20/1262 评论:3 评分:5.7 积分:10
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