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山东农业大学:《英美文学史》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)Unit 1 The Anglo-Saxon Period(代奎华)


英美文学史 使用教材: 1《英国文学史及选读》二册,吴伟仁编 2《美国文学史及选读》二册,吴伟仁编 主讲人:代奎华

英美文学史 使用教材: 1 «英国文学史及选读» 二册,吴伟仁 编 2 «美国文学史及选读» 二册,吴伟仁 编 主讲人:代奎华

Unit 1 The Anglo-Saxon Period Development of Literature 1 Three stages of English language development i. old Englis ish/Anglo-Saxon (OE. As the language up to 1066 is usu. called) The old English language, also called Anglo Saxon, was the earliest form of English. It is difficult to give exact dates for the rise and development of a language, because it does not change suddenly, but perhaps it is true to say that old English was spoken from about AD. 600 to about 1100

Unit 1 The Anglo-Saxon Period ◼ Development of Literature 1 Three stages of English language development: i. Old English /Anglo-Saxon (OE. As the language up to 1066 is usu. called) The old English language, also called Anglo￾Saxon, was the earliest form of English. It is difficult to give exact dates for the rise and development of a language, because it does not change suddenly; but perhaps it is true to say that Old English was spoken from about AD. 600 to about 1100

ii. Middle English (about 1100-1500) iii. Modern English (about 1500-present 2. Two divisions of the literature of this period Pagan oral sagas ■ Christian the writings developed under teaching of the monks

ii. Middle English (about 1100-1500) iii. Modern English (about 1500-present) ◼ 2. Two divisions of the literature of this period: ◼ Pagan ---- oral sagas ◼ Christian ---- the writings developed under teaching of the monks

■III. Beowulf a Beowulf, written in Old English sometime before the tenth century A.D., describes the adventures of a great Scandinavian warrior of the sixth century. A rich fabric of fact and fancy, Beowulf is the oldest surviving epic in British literature

◼ III. Beowulf ◼ Beowulf , written in Old English sometime before the tenth century A.D., describes the adventures of a great Scandinavian warrior of the sixth century. ◼ 1. A rich fabric of fact and fancy, Beowulf is the oldest surviving epic in British literature

2. Definitions of epic a i. An extended narrative poem with a heroic or superhuman protagonist engaged in an action of great significance in a vast setting (often including the underworld and engaging the gods) Examples of epic poems are edmund Spenser s The faerie Queene, John Miltons paradise lost. william Wordsworth's the prelude, elizabeth Barret browning s Aurora leigh, and T. s Eliot s the Waste land

◼ 2. Definitions of epic ◼ i. An extended narrative poem with a heroic or superhuman protagonist engaged in an action of great significance in a vast setting (often including the underworld and engaging the gods). Examples of epic poems are Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene, John Milton's Paradise Lost, William Wordsworth's The Prelude, Elizabeth Barret Browning's Aurora Leigh, and T. S. Eliot's "The Waste Land

The iliad Odyssey a iii. Homer and Epic poetry The earliest surviving Greek poems of antiquity are Homer s iliad and odyssey the oldest epic poems. Virgil, consciously imitating Homer, produced the most famous epic poem of augustan Rome, the Aeneid. They re long narrative poems that recount the deeds of a hero (often legendary), and are usually grand In scope

◼ The Iliad ◼ Odyssey ◼ iii. Homer and Epic Poetry ◼ The earliest surviving Greek poems of antiquity are Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, the oldest epic poems. Virgil, consciously imitating Homer, produced the most famous epic poem of Augustan Rome, the Aeneid. They're long narrative poems that recount the deeds of a hero (often legendary), and are usually grand in scope

A number of formal qualities are traditionally associated with the epic usually because they appeared in Homer and have been imitated since. In both Greek and latin, the most common epic meter was dactylic hexameter. The epic simile is a feature of homer s verse (see Simile for an example). Most epics begin with an invocation to the muse The visit to the underworld in the eleventh book of the iliad is imitated in the sixth book of the aeneid

◼ A number of formal qualities are traditionally associated with the epic, usually because they appeared in Homer and have been imitated since. In both Greek and Latin, the most common epic meter was dactylic hexameter. The epic simile is a feature of Homer's verse (see Simile for an example). Most epics begin with an invocation to the Muse. The visit to the underworld in the eleventh book of the Iliad is imitated in the sixth book of the Aeneid

a Famous english epics include the old English poem Beowulf, and, in the Renaissance, Spenser s faerie Queene and Miltons paradise lost there are also famous English translations of the classics. such as the homer translations by Chapman and Pope, and Dryden s translation of virgil. The verse form varies: Beowulf is written in traditional old English meters; Spenser uses his own Spenserian stanza: Milton uses blank verse, and Dryden and Pope use heroic couplets

◼ Famous English epics include the Old English poem Beowulf, and, in the Renaissance, Spenser's Faerie Queene and Milton's Paradise Lost; there are also famous English translations of the classics, such as the Homer translations by Chapman and Pope, and Dryden's translation of Virgil. The verse form varies: Beowulf is written in traditional Old English meters; Spenser uses his own Spenserian stanza; Milton uses blank verse; and Dryden and Pope use heroic couplets

3. Backgrounds to Beowu /f 4. List of Characters For Beowulf Beowulf -Summary iv. Structure of beowulf

◼ 3. Backgrounds to Beowulf ◼ 4. List of Characters For Beowulf ◼ iii. Beowulf - Summary ◼ iv. Structure of Beowulf

Questions and discussion 1. What are the main characteristics of Anglo-Saxon literature 2. Read beowulf and comment on its position in the history of English literature 3. is said chinese people have no epic what do you think of it? 4. Literature can be read for pleasure or examination. What about your view?

Questions and discussion 1. What are the main characteristics of Anglo-Saxon literature? 2. Read Beowulf and comment on its position in the history of English literature. 3. is said Chinese people have no epic, what do you think of it ? 4. Literature can be read for pleasure or examination. What about your view?



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