Peptic Ulcer Disease 消化性溃疡病 上海第二医科大学仁济医学院 薛惠平
Peptic Ulcer Disease 消化性溃疡病 上海第二医科大学仁济医学院 薛惠平
Question: What's the meaning of“ Peptic Ulcer Disease”?
Question: What’s the meaning of “Peptic Ulcer Disease”?
Definition Peptic Ulcer Disease is defined as an ulcer occurring in a region that touches gastric acid(胃酸) and pepsin (胃蛋白酶) and usually refers to gastric ulcer((胃溃疡 or duodenal ulcer((二指肠溃疡
Definition Peptic Ulcer Disease is defined as an ulcer occurring in a region that touches gastric acid(胃酸) and pepsin(胃蛋白酶) and usually refers to gastric ulcer(胃溃疡) or duodenal ulcer(十二指肠溃疡)
Typical endoscopic appearance of a benign gastric ulcer. The ulcer is on the angularis, the most common location for a gastric ulcer, and is well circumscribed without any associated mass effect The surrounding mucosa is mildly erythematous 斑的 and without nodularity结节 B
Typical endoscopic appearance of a benign gastric ulcer. The ulcer is on the angularis, the most common location for a gastric ulcer, and is well circumscribed without any associated mass effect. The surrounding mucosa is mildly erythematous红 斑的 and without nodularity结节
Typical radiographic features of a benign gastric ulcer. A large well-circumscribed ulcer is seen on the angularis
Typical radiographic features of a benign gastric ulcer. A large well-circumscribed ulcer is seen on the angularis
a posterior duodenal ulcer
a posterior duodenal ulcer
Typical radiographic features of duodenal ulcer. This duodenal bulb ulcer is associated with marked edema, resulting in the appearance of radiating folds to the ulcer crater. The bulb is also distored secondary to previously existing ulceration
Typical radiographic features of duodenal ulcer. This duodenal bulb ulcer is associated with marked edema, resulting in the appearance of radiating folds to the ulcer crater. The bulb is also distored secondary to previously existing ulceration
■ Questions What does ulcer溃疡mean? How can we differentiate between ulcer and erosion糜烂?
Questions: What does ulcer 溃疡 mean? How can we differentiate between ulcer and erosion 糜烂?
Erosions in the duodenal bulb and a posterior duodenal ulcer
Erosions in the duodenal bulb and a posterior duodenal ulcer
■ Erosion糜烂: a superficial lesion caused by denudation of the surface epithelium 上皮细胞) ■lcer溃: a mucosal defect extending into the muscularis mucosa(粘膜肌层)
Erosion糜烂 : a superficial lesion caused by denudation of the surface epithelium (上皮细胞) ulcer 溃疡: a mucosal defect extending into the muscularis mucosa(粘膜肌层)