新倮标人教版课件系列 《高中英语》 选修(模块)6-21
新课标人教版课件系列 《高中英语》 选修(模块)6-2.1
Warming up( 5m) Do you know who he is in this picture?
Do you know who he is in this picture? Warming up ( 5m)
In the Quiet Night A bed,I see a silver light. I wonder if it's frost aground. Looking up, find the moon bright; BOwing, in homesickness Im drowned By LiBai 靜夜 床萧明月咒,疑是地上署。 拾歌甓明月,歇放多
In the Quiet Night A bed, I see a silver light, I wonder if it's frost aground. Looking up, I find the moon bright; Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned. By Li Bai 静夜思 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 抬头望明月,低头思故乡
姓mM2Mm I awake light-hearted this morning of spring, Everywhere round me the singing of birds But now I remember the night, the storm And i wonder how many blossoms were broken 春晓 (by Meng haoran) 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟 夜来风丽声,花落知多
A SPRING MORNING I awake light-hearted this morning of spring, Everywhere round me the singing of birds But now I remember the night, the storm, And I wonder how many blossoms were broken. 春晓 (by Meng Haoran) 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟. 夜来风雨声,花落知多少.
The wilow The slender tree is dressed in emerald allabout A thousand branches droop like fringes made of jade But do you know by whom these slim leaves are cut out? The windof early spring is sharp as scissor blade. By Meng Haoran 碧妆成一树高,条垂下缲丝绦 不知细叶谁歌业,二月春风你剪了
The Willow The slender tree is dressed in emerald all about, A thousand branches droop like fringes made of jade. But do you know by whom these slim leaves are cut out? The wind of early spring is sharp as scissor blade. By Meng Haoran 咏柳 碧玉妆成一树高, 万条垂下绿丝绦 不知细叶谁裁出, 二月春风似剪刀
who- poet types of poems poem topics human feelings history/development
poem who--- poet types of poems history/development topics human feelings
欢镇畜史别時麦妪 投抠惠.易花 考望 畅鹜黢 (realism) DU Fu
Du Fu ( realism )
低馨疑鞦 頭是前 限灺明 你明上月 鼻第月霜芪 romantic )LiBai
( romantic ) Li Bai
西物 惕更青剌渭 兩燕 金柳渑曲 环色 爻湎座 Wang Wei nature )t
( nature ) Wang Wei