ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 10 10.7 The Geometry of Alkyl radicals Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 10 10.7 The Geometry of Alkyl Radicals
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 10 Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 10
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 10 10.8 Reactions That generate Tetrahedral stereocenters Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 10 10.8 Reactions That Generate Tetrahedral Stereocenters
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 10 h CH3CH2CH2 CH3 t Cl2- CH3 CH, CHCH, +HCI CH? CH,CH,CH3 t Cl- CH3 CH, CHCH3+HCI CH b C-Cl CH Cl-Cl a CH3CH +Cl° CH H Ch2CH Cl—C CH3 CH2 Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 10 CH3CH2CH2CH3 + Cl CH3CH2CHCH3+HCl CH3CH2CH2CH3 + Cl2 CH3CH2CHCH3+HCl hv Cl (+) CH3 H CH3CH2 Cl Cl a b CH3 H CH3CH2 C CH3 H CH3CH2 C Cl Cl a b C + Cl
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 10 10.9 Radical addition to alkenes The Anti-Markovnikov addition of Hydrogen Bromide Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 10 10.9 Radical Addition to Alkenes: The Anti-Markovnikov Addition of Hydrogen Bromide
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 10 ROOR Ch2 CH=CH+H-Br CH3 CH2 CH2Br peroxide Mechanism O O Ph-C-0—0-C-Ph Ph-c-o. Ph-C-0·+HBr Ph-C-oh t Bro CH3CH=CH2+Br CH3CH-CH2Br CH3 CH-CH2 Br+ HBr- CH3CHCH,Br Br H Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 10 CH3CH CH2 + H Br ROOR (peroxide) CH3CH2CH2Br Mechanism Mechanism Ph C O O Ph C OH O + HBr + Br CH3CH CH2 + Br CH3CH CH2Br CH3CH CH2Br + HBr H CH3CHCH2Br + Br Ph C O O O C Ph O Ph C O O
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 10 10.10 Radical Polymerization of Alkene Chain-Growth Polymers Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 10 10.10 Radical Polymerization of Alkene: Chain-Growth Polymers
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 10 Polymerization CH2-CH2 CHCH,+ Ethylene Polyethylene monomer polymer Mechanism R一C-0-0-C-R→2R-C-0。→CO2+R R+CH2=CH2—R-CH2-CH2 R—CH2-CH2+nCH2=CH2→→R{CHCH2)1CH2CH2 Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 10 CH2 CH2 CH2CH2 n Polymerization Ethylene monomer polymer Polyethylene Mechanism Mechanism R + CH2 CH2 R CH2 CH2 R CH2 CH2 + n CH2 CH2 R CH2CH2 CH2CH2 n R C O O O C O R R C O 2 O CO2 +R
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 10 Polymerization CH2=CH CHb-CH A n a=H Polyethylene(Pe) CI Polyvinyl chloride (pvc) 聚乙烯 聚氯乙烯 Ph Polystyrene(Ps) CN Polyacrylonitrile(Pan 聚苯乙烯 聚丙烯腈(腈纶,人造羊毛) CH3 Polypropylene(pp) oh polyvinyl alcohol(Pva) 聚丙烯 聚乙烯醇(维纶) Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 10 CH2 CH A CH2 CH A n Polymerization A = H Polyethylene (PE) 聚乙烯 Cl Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 聚氯乙烯 CN Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) 聚丙烯腈(腈纶,人造羊毛) Ph Polystyrene (PS) 聚苯乙烯 OH Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) 聚乙烯醇(维纶) CH3 Polypropylene (PP) 聚丙烯
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 10 10.11 Other Important radical Reactions Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 10 10.11 Other Important Radical Reactions