第九章醛和酮 (Aldehydes and Ketones)
第九章 醛和酮 (Aldehydes and Ketones)
91醛、酮的结构、命名和物理性质 Structure, Nomenclature and Physical Properties
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University 9.1 醛 酮的结构 命名和物理性质 Structure, Nomenclature and Physical Properties
0 9.1.1醛酮的结构 醛、酮的官能团是羰基,羰基碳原子为sp2杂化, 带部分正电荷。 120 ●● C=0: R-C-H R-C-R 2 sp 120 C 醛 酮羰基 Carbonyl group 一 ∽
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University 9.1.1 醛酮的结构 醛 酮的官能团是羰基 羰基碳原子为sp 2杂化 带部分正电荷 R C H O R C R O 醛 酮 C O δ + δ − sp 2 羰基 C arb onyl gro up 120 120
员羰基与烯烃结构的比较 羰基 烯烃
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University 羰基与烯烃结构的比较
912醛酮的命名 1.普通命名法 醛——根据其相应的羧酸名称命名 ■醛的英文命名则将羧酸词尾- ic acid去掉, ③+- aldehyde HCHO Formaldehyde Ch2CHO Acetaldehyde CHO Ch2ChcHo Propoinaldehyde CH3 CH2 CH2CHO Butyraldehyde Benzaldehyde
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University 9.1.2 醛酮的命名 1. 普通命名法 醛 —— 根据其相应的羧酸名称命名 . 醛的英文命名则将羧酸词尾-ic acid去掉 + -aldehyde. HCHO CH 3CHO CH 3CH 2CHO CH 3CH 2CH 2CHO CHO F ormaldehyde A c e taldehyde P ropoi n a l deh y d e Butyr a l d e h y d e B enzaldehyde
羰基所连接的二个烃基名称+甲酮 ( ketone)烃基排列按次序规则英文按字顺 O 甲(基)乙(基)(甲)酮 CH3-C-Ch, Ch3 Ethyl methyl ketone ③芳香酮习惯上称为酰基苯英文是将羧酸名称 中的词尾- ic acid去掉,+- phenone dc-CH3 乙酰苯(苯乙酮) 二苯甲酮 Acetophenone Benzophenone
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University 酮 羰基所连接的二个烃基名称 + 甲酮 (keto ne) 烃基排列按次序规则 英文按字顺 CH 3 C C H 2CH 3 O 甲 ( 基 ) 乙 ( 基)( 甲 ) 酮 Ethyl methy l k etone 芳香酮习惯上称为酰基苯 英文是将羧酸名称 中的词尾-ic acid去掉, + -oph e non e C C H 3 O 乙酰苯 (苯乙酮 ) Acetophe none C O 二苯甲酮 Be n z oph e non e
2.系统命名法 g醛只能是在端基,不必标羰基位号 酮除羰基位置是唯一的情况外,一般应 标位号 ,羰基在环上的,称为“环某酮”;在环外 的,环做为取代基 已分子中既有醛又有酮羰基时,以醛为母 体,酮羰基称为“氧代(oxo-)
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University 2. 系统命名法 醛只能是在端基 不必标羰基位号 . 酮除羰基位置是唯一的情况外 一般应 标位 号 . 羰基在环上的 称为 “环某酮 ” 在环外 的 环做为取代基 . 分子中既有醛又有酮羰基时 以醛为母 体 酮羰基称为 “氧代(oxo-) ”
Nomenclature of aldehydes Q Aldehydes are named by replacing the g terminal -e of the corresponding alkane name with -a/ The longest chain selected as the base name must contain the -cho group, and the-cHo carbon is always numbered as carbon 1 For more complex aldehyde in which the CHo group is attached to a ring the suffix-carbaldehyde is used
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University Nomenclature of aldehydes Aldehydes are named by replacing the terminal – e of the corresponding alkane name with –al. The longest chain selected as the base name must contain the –CHO group, and the –CHO carbon is always numbered as carbon 1. For more complex aldehyde in which the –CHO group is attached to a ring, the suffix -carbaldehyde is used
g Certain simple and well-known aldehydes have common names that are recognized by Iupac ro Some of the more important common names are HCHO Formaldehyde Methanal ③CHCH0O Acetaldehyde Ethanal CH3CH2CHo Propoinaldehyde Propanal CH3 CH2 CH2CHO Butyraldehyde Butanal CH 3(CH23CHo Valeraldehyde Pentanal CH2CHCHo Acrolein 2-Propenal Ph--CHO Benzaldehyde Benzenecarbaldehyde
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University Certain simple and well-known aldehydes have common names that are recognized by IUPAC. Some of the more important common names are: HCHO CH 3CHO CH 3CH 2CHO CH 3CH 2CH 2CHO CHO Fo rmald ehyd e A c e t a lde h yde P r o p o inaldehyd e B u t yraldehyd e B enzald ehyd e CH 3(C H 2 ) 3CHO CH 2 CHCHO Ph V a l eraldehyd e A crolein M ethanal E thanal P r o panal Bu t an a l P entanal 2 - P r o penal B enzenecarb aldehyd e
Nomenclature of ketones a Ketones are named by replacing the r terminal -e of the corresponding alkane a name with -one. The chain selected for the base name is the longest one that contains the ketone group and the numbering begins at the end nearer the ∠ carbonyl carbon 3 Certain ketones are allowed by IUPAC to retain their common names, though these are few Acetone Acetophenone Benzophenone
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University Nomenclature of ketones Ketones are named by replacing the terminal – e of the corresponding alkane name with –one. The chain selected for the base name is the longest one that contains the ketone group, and the numbering begins at the end nearer the carbonyl carbon. Certain ketones are allowed by IUPAC to retain their common names, though these are few: Acetone Acetophenone Benzophenone