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Subject Matter(SM主题思想)是作者在 would the passage most likely be found in a 文章中要表达的主要内容,是贯穿全文的核 textbook? 心。作者在文章中努力通过各种 Supporting (8)The purpose of the writer in writing Details来阐明中心议题。因此,把握主题思想 this passage is 对于理解全文具有重要意义。熟悉四级考试 (9)Which of the following best describes 的人都知道,这类问题常被列为五题之首。然 the passage as a whole?

所湖 差康 使脑受好示 汰图制∥② 正进 肉毒杆菌注 cann 次众软件 电D 8逝 明失语 微型计算机 (算机应用 Nn22002 计算机应用 舌战爱你,石请你 论“概“上读具 画D 如本 服饰美容 社 酮论后 瞒胃原本 供試閱之用,請勿用作商業用途

聚焦费语考号倍养自主学习能力 An Express e lish 硝出品 +++ illIte 谈阅读理解阐迷主题思想的模式 ISSN1009-6027 ·阅谅理解专练与解析 9771009602007 邮发代号:8-63 Margaret Sanger

200年全国大学生英竞赛题型 序号 题型 题号题目数计分答题时间 Dialogues Listening ection B Part I 11-20 25 ComprehensionNews Items Section.C 21-30 P Part II Vocabulary and Structure 31-40 10 Part Ill Situational Dialogues 41-50 10 10 5 Part IV IQ Test 51-55 5 Section A Multiple Choice56-60 Reading Section B Part V Comprehension Short Answer 61-70 20 Questions 71-80 True or false Part VI Cloze-Test ection A English-Chinese 91-95 Translation Part VIl Translation Section B Chinese-English96--100 Translation Task I 应用文 Part VIll Writing 30 Task ll 议论文 合计 102 150 120 全国大学生英语竞赛组委会办公室 地址:北京海淀区三里河路1号西苑饭店2号楼4层(100044) 联系人:刘军 手机:13910389175 电话:01088375525:68322675传真:010-88375115 邮箱:neces@163.com;neces@hotmail.com 网址:www.ecp.com.cn;www.tef-chinanet

Moonlight Mirage by Emma harrell I remember way back when He always came and left like that When we met for the very first time. melting into the night His dappled, dun coat He always glowed Shining in the moonlight his eyes still shone It seemed to glow, on the very first night because mustangs are just like that His deep, black eyes were watching me. Now Moonlight Mirage lives on a ranch He looked me in the eve He's all mine forever, and ever, and ever He nickered softl He'll never fade he spun around, like the daytime mirages and cantered off into the night He'll live forever because he lives only in my dreams 篇 光幻影 我记淂浪久以前 他总是这样来来去去, 当时我们初次相遇 溶化在夜 他那带斑点的褐色外衣, 他总是精神焕发, 在月光里闪着光亮 眼晴仍旧闪闪熠熠, 吉 就好像它在发光,在这第一个夜里。 因为野马就是这个样子。 林 深邃的黑眼注视着我, 刘 现在月光影生活在农场里。 深深绁把我疑视。 大 他的一切属于我,永永远远是我的宝骑。伟 他轻柔地嘶鸣, 他绝不会像白昼的海市楼一样 转着图儿, 逐渐消失。 译 幔幔地跑去,在夜里消逝。 他将永远生存着, 因为他只生活在我的梦里

01010101 CONTENTS 聚集四级 专项辅导 ABILITY TUTORING 4谈阅读理解阐述主题思想的模式……… 胡素芬 莢语通 9四级考试阅读理解的题型分析与解题技巧(一)……沈骑董晓波 知识技能 主办:英语辅导报社 练兵场 PRACTISING FIELD 主编:包天仁 编 审: Nathan Hal 12阅读理解专练与解析…… 滕延江 执行主编:槎军 责任编辑:高峰 14快速阅读训练二则 刘志香 美术编辑:朱金力 备考训练 TEST TRAINING 电脑排版:关建红 编辑出版:《荚语通》编辑部 16|2005年大学英语四级考试备考训练(三) 李树德王克英 地址:吉林省通化市西昌工贸 开发区2号英语辅导报社 阅读室间 邮 编:134001 电子信箱:mc@ecp.com.cn 开篇文萃 POEM AND ESSAY 网 址 编辑部电话:(0459131 1 Moonlight Mirage…… by Emma Harrell刘大伟译 广告部电话:(0435)3940573 邮购部电话:(0435)3940563 文海泛舟 READING 发行部电话:(0435)3940589 传真:(0435)3940570 28 Margaret Sanger… by Doreen Baingana吴伟华选编 国际标准刊号:ISSN1009-6027 国内统一刊号:CN22-1315/H 26 A Man Who Had No Eyes .. …原作者不详青闰选编 出版日期:每月1日 印 刷:铁岭市龙山胶印厂 28 After September by Kimberly Young Statkevicus张运红选编 总发行处:辽宁省铁岭市邮政局 订阅处:全国各地邮局所) 邮发代号:8-63 如有重大编校、行差错和服泡度问题,请 广告许可证号:2205001504038 麾及时拨打如下投诉熟线 定 价:每期:4.00元 013704358295 半年:38.00元(配听力磁带2盘) 800=8465666 年:7600元(配听力磁带4盘) 英语辅导报社为提高编校、发行服务质量,及时解决本社报刊、图 书、音像等产品的编校、发行差错和服务态度问题,特设以上两部热线 电话。订户及读者如在与报社联系的过程中发现任何问题均可拨打 我们将协调报社各有关部门对订户及读者提出的投诉子以及时处理。 英语辅导报社总编室 200503

大学英悟四级考锁版 2005年第3期(总第63期) 双语书架 BILINGUAL SPACE 31 Culture of Consumption ().. by Noel C.Paul朱汉昌选译 38| Believe You Can(…… by Margo Pfeiff丘秀英选译 溶阔天空 本期导读 和照的春风,淅沥的春雨,都是 三月这个美好季节的特征,而这一时 轻松时刻 EASY THINGS 期也恰恰是我们新学期的开始。那 么,就让我们伴着这个美好的季节来 86美国地名拾趣… 李锡廷供稿 开始我们新一学期的英语学习吧! 先让我来一睹本期的精彩内容! 88英文人名”的字面意义及词汇记忆 谢艳明供稿 ●主题思想是作者在文章中要 表达的主要内容,是贯穿全文的核 乐趣无限 WHAT A JOKE 心。因此,把握主题思想对于理解全 文具有重要意义。然而,如何找出主 87生产快乐… 本刊编辑部供稿 题思想呢?《谈阅读理解阐述主题思 想的模式》将会给你一定的指导。 幽默园地 HUMOR ● Margaret Sanger向你讲述 了 Margaret Sanger不平凡的一生 41开心一笑 李冬供稿 ●中国人为了孩子的教育和家 庭的住房拼命攒钱,但美国人却不停 竞赛专区 FOCUS ON COMPETITION 地借钱消费。那么,这种消费文化是 如何产生的呢?它对美国的经济有 4212006年全国大学生英语竞赛赛题命题说明 什么影响呢?近来它又有什么新发 展呢? Culture of Consumption将会 全国大学生英语竞赛组委会供稿 告诉你这些答案。 ●浏览美国地图,你会发现有 42005年全国大学生英语竞赛样题(A级) 不少地名既有趣又让人感到莫名其 妙。那么这些地名是怎样产生的呢? 全国大学生英语竞赛组织委员会办公室提供 《美国地名拾趣》将告诉你其中的奥 编读往来 READER EDITOR ●为了让参加2005年全国大 学生英语竞赛的同学对今年的竟赛 56读者信箱……… ……高峰答 有一个初步的了解,本期我们为大家 提供了一套《2005年全国大学生英 语竞赛样题》,快去看看吧! ●本刊版权属芙语辅导报社所有。向本刊投寄文字 本 图片稿件自发表之日起,其使用权归英语辅导报社所有 任何自然人、法人不得侵犯。 封面:英国伦救温莎域堡 ●本刊作者文责自负。对于侵犯他人版权或其他权利 刘大伟提供 的文字、图片稿件,本刊概不承担任何连带责任 封二:2005年全国大学生英语竟赛题型 ●本刊稿件一般不退,敬请作者自留底稿。从稿件寄往本刊之日 封三:《英语通》欢变怎随时订阅 封底:中小学优秀外语教师出国留学奖学 明 起,3个月后不见采用或通知,方可另行处理。对于一稿多投者,本刊 金项目第九批出国留学教师赴英国 将停发稿。对于侧窃他人作品者,本刊将予以公开揭露。 有英顿大学学习 ●本刊如发现印刷、装订等质量问题,请与英语辅导报社监察部 上官小倍提供 联系调换,电话:0435-3940518 2005.03

英语通 大学英语四级考试版 淡阅读理解阐述主题思想的糗式 华中农业大学胡素芬 Subject Matter(SM主题思想)是作者在 would the passage most likely be found in a 文章中要表达的主要内容,是贯穿全文的核 textbook? 心。作者在文章中努力通过各种 Supporting (8)The purpose of the writer in writing Details来阐明中心议题。因此,把握主题思想 this passage is 对于理解全文具有重要意义。熟悉四级考试 (9)Which of the following best describes 的人都知道,这类问题常被列为五题之首。然 the passage as a whole? 而,如何找出主题常使考生倍感棘手。因为他 从整体来看,大学英语四级阅读文章题 们总希望通过某个词或某句话就能找到答材广泛,包括人物传记、社会、文化、日常知 案,而事实上文章的主题往往需要通读全文识、科普常识等;体裁也多种多样,包括记叙 后才能大致了解。 文、说明文、议论文等,并没有严格的规律可 确定SM问题,应采用快速阅读法循。但就文章的结构而言,还是有一定的规律 ( Skimming)浏览全文,理解文章主旨大意,阅的。本文拟讨论四级阅读文章中较为常见的 读时要注意表现中心思想的句子在文章中的各种段落模式。 位置不同,文章的开头、结尾及段落的段首句 和段尾句特别重要,因为它们往往包含文章 一、总和模式 的中心议题(SM)。这类问题可分主题型、标 题型和目的型。主题型一目了然就是找中心 这类文章由几个段落组成,每个段落都 ( Main idea);标题型是为文章选择标题(T-有一个主题句。而且主题句一般在每一段的 tle);目的型就是推断作者的写作意图(Pur-第一句话。这几个主题句从不同的方面或者 pose)。这类题常见的命题方式有 角度去阐述主题思想。把这几个主题句表达 (1) What is the main idea( subject)of的意思叠加在一起,就可以找到文章的主题 this passage? 思想 (2)What does this passage mainly(pri- Passage I(1998年1月第4篇阅读 warily) concerned? n prodigies(神童), I learned ave (3)The main theme of this passage come in distinct waves from distinct regions Most of the great performers of the late 19th (4)The main point of the passage is and early 20th centuries were born and brought up in Russia and Eastern Europe. I asked (5)Which of the following is the best ti- Isaac Stern, one of the worlds greatest violin- tle for the passage ists, the reason for this phenomenon. " It is very (6)The title that best expresses the clear", he told me. "They were all Jews(X theme of the passage is A) and Jews at the time were severely op (7)On which of the following subject pressed and ill -treated in that part of the 2005.03

专项辅导 world. They were not allowed into the profes- role in the making of a prodigy.作者虽然没有 sional fields, but they were allowed to achieve标明(1)(2)(3)(4),但是作者用了 another和next excellence on a concert stage." As a result,ev-to等词,表明了作者的观点。可以知道文章 ery Jewish parents dream was to have a child最恰当的标题应为D. The making of prodi- It was es即:神童的成功之路 to the West 2003年1月第1篇阅读理解和2003年 Another element in the emergence of6月简短回答问题均在此模式之列 prodigies, I found, is a society that values ex- cellence in a certain field and is able to nur- 二、重述模式 ture(培育) talent. Nowadays. the most nurtur- Ig societies seem to be in the Far East."In 这类文章由引言、文章主体和结论构成 Japan, a most competitive society with stronger文章开门见山,在第一段也就是引言里就开 discipline than ours.. says Isaac Stern;"chil-宗明义。然后在主题部分对主题思想进行阐 dren are ready to test their limits every day in述。最后在结论段里重述其观点,与引言遥相 many fields, including music. When Western呼应,通过引言和结论以及文章主体的阅读, music came to Japan after World War I,that.可以找到文章的主题思想或作者的意图。 music not only became part of their daily lives. 经典例题: but it became a discipline as well. The K The medical world is gradually realizing ans and Chinese, as we know, are just that the quality of the environment in hospitals highly motivated as the Japanese may play a significant role in the recovery from Thats a good thing, because even prodi gies must work hard. Next to hard work, bio- As part of a nationwide effort in Britain to logical inheritance plays an important role in bring art out of the galleries and into public the making of a prodigy. J S. Bach, for exam- places, some the country's most talented artists ple, was the top of several generations of musi- have been called in to transform older hospitals cians, and four of his sons had significant ca- and to soften the hard edges of modern build- reers In nusIc ings. Of the 2, 500 National Health Service hos Which of the following titles best summa- pitals in Britain, almost 100 now have signifi- rizes the main idea of the passage? cant collections of contemporary art in corri A. Jewish Contribution to Music lors, waiting areas and treatment rooms. B. Training of Musicians in the World These recent initiatives(创造精神)owea C. Music and societ great deal to one artist, Peter Senior who set D. The Making of Prodigies up his studio at a Manchester hospital in 作者认为神童的出现有以下几个原因: northeastern England during the early970 ( 1)Violin prodigies (m it ), I learned, have He felt the artist had lost his place in modern come in distinct waves from distinct regions, society and that art should be enjoyed by a (2 )Another element in the emergence of prodi- wider audience gies, I found, is a society that values excel A typical hospital waiting room might lence in a certain field and is able to nurture have as many as 5,000 visitors each week (9 if)talent. (3)That's a good thing, because What better place to hold regular exhibitions of even prodigies must work hard. (4 )Next to hard art? Senior held the first exhibition of his own work, biological inheritance plays an important paintings in the out-patients waiting area of the 2005.03

英语通 大学英语四级考试版 Manchester Hospital in 1975. Believed to be Britains first hospital artist, Senior was so 这类文章作者通常以问句开头,自问自 much in demand that he was soon joined by a答。然后用论据来支持自己的观点。只要认真 team of six young art school graduates. 地阅读问题和回答,就能够判断出作者的写 The effect is striking. Now in the corridors作意图,也就能够准确找出文章的主题思想。 and waiting rooms the visitor experiences a full 经典例题 view of fresh colors, playful images and restful What has the telephone done to us, or for courtyards us, in the hundred years of its existence? A The quality of the environment may re- few effects suggest themselves at once. It has duce the need for expensive drugs when a pa- saved lives by getting rapid word of illness,in- tient is recovering from an illness. A study has jury, or fire from remote places. By joining shown that patients who had a view onto a gar- with the elevator to make possible the multi den needed half the number of strong story residence or office building, it has made painkillers compared with patients who had no possible for better or worse -the modern city view at all or only a brick wall to look at By bringing about a great leap in the speed The purpose of this article is and ease with which information moves from A. to change people's attitude toward hos- place to place, it has greatly accelerated the rate of scientific and technological cha inges ant B to replace the old buildings with mod- growth in industry. Beyond doubt it has seri- ern buildings ously weakened if not killed the ancient art of C. to suggest that the quality of environ- letter writing. It has made living alone possible ment in hospital plays an important for persons with normal social impulses: by so role in the recovery from illness doing. it has played a role in one of the great D. to illustrate that art is not appreciated est social changes of this century, the breakup by a large number of people in modern of the multi-generational household. It has made sociel the war chillingly more efficient than formerly. 文章在引言部分指出“ The medical world Perhaps, though not provably(可证实, It has is gradually realizing that the quality of the en- prevented wars that might have arisen out, of vironment in hospitals may play a significant international misunderstanding caused by writ- role in the recovery from illness.接着用一些 ten communication. Or perhaps-again not 例子阐明观点,在文章的结论部分,作者又指 provably--by magnifying and extending irra H"The quality of the environment may reduce tional personal conflicts based on voice con- the need for expensive drugs when a patient is lact. it has caused wars. Certainly it has ex recovering from an illness.”进一步阐述其观 tended the scope of human conflicts. since Il 点,说明环境在病人康复中所起的作用。首尾 impartially disseminates(传播) the useful 呼应,一气呵成。答案也就很快可以确定为 knowledge of scientists and the nonsense of the ignorant, the affection of the affectionate and 属于同样模式的还有2003年6月第4 the malice(恶意) of the malicious. 篇阅读理解,2002年1月第3篇阅读理解和 What is the main idea of this passage? 2001年1月第3篇阅读理解 A. The telephone has helped to save peo- ple from illness and fire 三、提问型 B. The telephone has had positive as well 200503

专项辅导 as negative effects on us. had been responsible for encouraging voyages C. The telephone has helped to prevent during which soundings (ir iN were taken to wars and conflicts investigate the depths of the North Atlantic and D. The telephone has made the e modern Pacific Oceans. Later, some of his findings city neither better nor worse aroused much popular interest in his book The iR E What has the telephone done to us, Physical Geography of the Sea. or for us, in the hundred years of its existence? The cable was laid. but not until 1866 A few effects suggest themselves at once. it- was the connection made permanent and reli 问一答及下面的阐述,我们可以知道文章的able. At the early attempts, the cable failed 中心思想为B。 and when it was taken out for repairs it was 2000年6月四级考试阅读理解第3篇 found to be covered in living growths, a fact 属于此模式。 which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the 四、定义型 seal Within a few years oceanography was un- 这一类文章给出定义开头,接下来的段 der way.mn1872 Thomson led a scientific ex- 落围绕着这个主题谈开去。 pedition, which lasted for four years and Passage(1994年1月四级考题): brought home thousands of samples from the Oceanography has been defined as"The sea. Their classification and analysis occupied application of all sciences to the study of the scientists for years and led to a five-volume re- port. the last volume being published in 1895 Before the nineteenth century, scientists This passage is mainly about with an interest in the sea were few and far A. the beginnings of oceanography between. Certainly Newton considered some B the laying of the first undersea cable theoretical aspects of it in his writings, but he C the investigation of ocean depths was reluctant to go to sea to further his work D. the early intercontinental communica- For most people the sea was remote, and tions with the of early intercontinental 文章第一段谈的是关于“海洋学”的定 travelers or others. who earned a living from义;第二段是讲19世纪前对海洋感兴趣的科 the sea, there was little reason to ask many学家不多;第三段谈到由于有人提出要铺设 questions about it, let alone to what lay be-海底电缆,人们才开始研究“海底深处究竟是 neath the surface.. The first time that the ques-什么”;第四段说 Maury考察北大西洋和太平 ion" What is at the bottom of oceans?” had to洋的发现引起广泛的注意;第五段讲修筑海 be answered with any commercial consequence底电缆过程中发现大量的海洋生物;最后 was when the laying of a telegraph cable from段是海洋学研究的成果。可见全篇主要是讲 Europe to America was proposed. The engi 海洋学的研究是如何开展起来的,所以正确 neers had to know the depth profile(轮廓)of答案是A the route to estimate the length of cable that 2002年6月四级阅读第2篇属于此模 had to be manufactured 式 It was to Maury of US Navy that the At- lantic Telegraph Company turned, in 1853, for 五、花开两朵 information on this matter. In the 1840s. Maury 2005.03

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