CHAPTER 5 PhosFum REACH OF CHI Pesticide Hazards and First Aid Chapter 5 National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION
CHAPTER 5 Pesticide Hazards and First Aid Chapter 5 National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual
OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CHAPTER 5 PhosFum Pesticide Hazards First Aid This module will help you: Know the different types of effects pesticides can have on your health Understand signal words Know the routes of exposure Recognize symptoms of exposure Know when and how to give first aid WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION
CHAPTER 5 Pesticide Hazards & First Aid This module will help you: ❖ Know the different types of effects pesticides can have on your health ❖ Understand signal words ❖ Know the routes of exposure ❖ Recognize symptoms of exposure ❖ Know when and how to give first aid
Pesticides and Humans Insects,rodents,and humans have similar nervous,circulatory,and respiratory systems,so pesticides can affect people too! Health effects-short-or long-term Physical and chemical risks-explosive or combustible
Pesticides and Humans ❖ Insects, rodents, and humans have similar nervous, circulatory, and respiratory systems, so pesticides can affect people too! ❖ Health effects - short- or long-term ❖ Physical and chemical risks - explosive or combustible
HAZARD Toxicity x Exposure risk;the the capacity of potential a pesticide to for injury cause injury the risk of a pesticide contacting or entering the body
HAZARD = Toxicity x Exposure risk; the potential for injury the capacity of a pesticide to cause injury the risk of a pesticide contacting or entering the body
Hazard Higher toxicity greater hazard Lower toxicity less hazard Higher exposure greater hazard Lower exposure less hazard Code279 RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE Net Contents North Carolina Dept.of Agricuture and Consumer Services Furadan.④f insecticide/nematicide KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILOREN 意DANGER-POISON PELIGRO
Hazard ❖ Higher toxicity = greater hazard ❖Lower toxicity = less hazard ❖ Higher exposure = greater hazard ❖Lower exposure = less hazard North Carolina Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services
■n ■D High toxicity, 可 SVPER Low exposure risk Low toxicity, ASPIRIN High exposure risk
High toxicity, Low exposure risk Low toxicity, High exposure risk
Hazards Increase. when mixing and loading the concentrate with a very high single exposure after many exposures over time
Hazards Increase. ❖ when mixing and loading the concentrate ❖ with a very high single exposure ❖ after many exposures over time
Reduce Hazards!! By using least toxic pesticides Wearing personal protective equipment HAZARD Toxicity x Exposure
Reduce Hazards!! ❖ By using least toxic pesticides ❖ Wearing personal protective equipment HAZARD = Toxicity x Exposure
Attitude Makes a Difference Read and follow the label carefully Be aware of the people and the environment in and around treated areas
Attitude Makes a Difference ❖ Read and follow the label carefully ❖ Be aware of the people and the environment in and around treated areas
Poisoning Effects *Contact Systemic Allergic
Poisoning Effects ❖Contact ❖Systemic ❖Allergic