PLASTIC PESTICIDE CONTAINER RECYCLING Pete Albers Ag Biologist Sonoma County Ag Comm
PLASTIC PESTICIDE PLASTIC PESTICIDE CONTAINER CONTAINER RECYCLING RECYCLING Pete Albers Pete Albers Ag Biologist Ag Biologist Sonoma County Ag Comm. Sonoma County Ag Comm
What is it? +Cooperative recycling effort among 4 entities. -ACRC -County Ag Commissioner's Office -Contracted Recycler/Manufacturer -OU月
What is it? What is it? Cooperative recycling effort Cooperative recycling effort among 4 entities. among 4 entities. –ACRC –County Ag Commissioner County Ag Commissioner’s Office –Contracted Contracted Recycler/Manufacturer Recycler/Manufacturer –YOU!
Ag Container Recycling Council ◆Non-profit organization ◆Fully funded by member companies and their affiliates (manufacture,pack, distribute,etc.) ◆Oversee entire recycling process, from collection to manufacturing ◆Since1992,recycled 100 million Ibs of pesticide containers
Ag Container Recycling Council Ag Container Recycling Council Non -profitorganization organization Fully funded by Fully funded by member companies member companies and their affiliates and their affiliates (manufacture, pack, (manufacture, pack, distribute, etc.) distribute, etc.) Oversee entire Oversee entire recycling process, recycling process, from collection to from collection to manufacturing manufacturing Since 1992, recycled Since 1992, recycled 100 million lbs of 100 million lbs of pesticide containers. pesticide containers
“Industrial Uses” Low exposure outdoor applications ◆New pesticide ◆Treated lumber containers substitutes ◆Pallets (railroad ties, ◆Deck boards marine pilings, fence posts,etc. ◆Field drainage pipes ◆Hazardous Waste Drums ◆Speed bumps ◆Parking stops ◆Not for general consumer use
“Industrial Uses Industrial Uses” ” Low exposure outdoor applications Low exposure outdoor applications New pesticide New pesticide containers containers Pallets Pallets Deck boards Deck boards Field drainage Field drainage pipes Speed bumps Speed bumps Parking stops Parking stops Treated lumber Treated lumber substitutes substitutes (railroad ties, (railroad ties, marine pilings, marine pilings, fence posts, etc.) fence posts, etc.) Hazardous Waste Hazardous Waste Drums Not for general Not for general consumer use consumer use
Ag Commissioner's Office ◆Ensure that the containers are suitable for recycling ◆Coordinate the events ◆2 events per year in spring and fall ◆Healdsburg county road yard
Ag Commissioner Ag Commissioner ’s Office s Office Ensure that the Ensure that the containers are containers are suitable for suitable for recycling recycling Coordinate the Coordinate the events 2 events per 2 events per year in spring year in spring and fall and fall Healdsburg Healdsburg county road county road yard
Sonoma County History ◆First event in 1994 ◆Held event in both Healdsburg and Sonoma ◆( Collected containers, nursery pots,and drip hose
Sonoma County History Sonoma County History First event in First event in 1994 Held event in Held event in both Healdsburg Healdsburg and Sonoma and Sonoma Collected Collected containers, containers, nursery nursery pots, and pots, and drip hose drip hose
◆Now Fall Plastic Recycling Day PLASTIC PESTICIDE/CHEMICAL CONTAINERS ◆Last event held WHEN: WEDNESDAY,NOVEMBER 5,2008 TIME: 9:00A.M.T03:00P.M NoV.5,2008 LOCATION:SONOMA COUNTY HEALDSBURG CORP YARD 17270 HEALDSBURG AVE.,AT ALEXANDER VALLEY RD.IN HEALDSBURG ◆60 growers ACCEPTED MATERIALS: PLASTIC CONTAINERS-ALL SIZES RANGING FROM 1 PINT TO 55 GALLONS "NO PLASTIC TUBING WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THIS EVENT ◆~8,000 Ibs of PLEASE ENSURE THE FOLLOWING PRIOR TO BRINGING CONTAINERS TOTHE EVENT: containers NEW!!!Containers 15 gallons and larger must be cut into quarters before bringing to the recycle event!!! recycled The plastic lids must be removed All label booklets and plastic sleeves must be removed from containers before recycling;glued labels are okay ◆Next event- Metal handles and rings must be removed Containers must be triple rinsed,punctured,and dry April,2009 PLEASE-No PVCplpe,plastic tubing,or containers that have held motor oil This eventis open to Growers Pest Control Businesses Golf Courses Parks Government Agencies Fot additional lafoo on call Pete Alber at (77)565-2371
Now Last event held Last event held Nov. 5, 2008 Nov. 5, 2008 60 growers 60 growers ~8,000 lbs of ~8,000 lbs of containers containers recycled recycled Next event Next event – April, 2009 April, 2009
Interstate Ag Plastics ◆Buttonwillow,CA ◆Collect,chip,and further prepare the plastic for manufacturing ◆Plastic sold directly for industrial manufacturing
Interstate Ag Plastics Interstate Ag Plastics Buttonwillow Buttonwillow, CA Collect, chip, and Collect, chip, and further prepare the further prepare the plastic for plastic for manufacturing manufacturing Plastic sold directly Plastic sold directly for industrial for industrial manufacturing manufacturing
You! “empty pesticide container generator'” ◆Growers ◆Foresters ◆Pest control operators ◆Nurseries ◆Golf courses ◆Parks ◆Governmental agencies
You! “empty pesticide container generator empty pesticide container generator” Growers Growers Foresters Foresters Pest control Pest control operators operators Nurseries Nurseries Golf courses Golf courses Parks Governmental Governmental agencies agencies