Dental Trauma In Childhood And Adolescence Department of Pediatric Dentistry College of Stomatology Chongqing Medical University Jin hua wang
Department of Pediatric Dentistry College of Stomatology Chongqing Medical University Jin hua wang Dental Trauma In Childhood And Adolescence
swelling of lower lip Casel uncomplicated crown fracture abrasion in the cheek uncomplicated crown fracture with subluxation
abrasion in the cheek swelling of lower lip uncomplicated crown fracture uncomplicated crown fracture with subluxation Case1
a b severely displaced maxillary central incisors displacement in the palatal direction Case2 d increased apical periodontal ligament space removal of the blood clot saline irrigation
severely displaced maxillary central incisors displacement in the palatal direction increased apical periodontal ligament space removal of the blood clot saline irrigation Case2
Case2 e semi-rigid splint confirm correct repositioning Dental trauma Psycological and physiological injury
semi-rigid splint confirm correct repositioning Dental trauma Psycological and physiological injury Case2
Contents To grasp To be familiar To know Oclinical classification ●predilection age Odiagnositic evidence ●Incidence ●clinical follow-up Otherapeutic principle ●Prevalence ●prognosis assessment ●therapeutic method
To be familiar To know Contents To grasp ⚫clinical classification ⚫diagnositic evidence ⚫therapeutic principle ⚫therapeutic method ⚫ predilection age ⚫ clinical follow-up ⚫ prognosis assessment ⚫ Incidence ⚫ Prevalence
Section I general introduction ● Definition ● Epidemiology ● Classification History and examination
Section Ⅰ : general introduction ⚫ Definition ⚫ Epidemiology ⚫ Classification ⚫ History and examination
1.1 Definition severe trauma hit dental trauma knock hard tissue dental Pulp periodontium
1.1 Definition severe trauma dental trauma hard tissue dental Pulp periodontium hit knock
1.2 Epidemiology Table 1 Dental trauma incidence in childhood and adolescence Incidence Primary dentition Permanent dentition Predilection ages 1-2 years 7-9 years Account for ratio 50% 50-70%
Table 1 Dental trauma incidence in childhood and adolescence Incidence Primary dentition Permanent dentition Predilection ages 1-2 years 7-9 years Account for ratio 50% 50-70% 1.2 Epidemiology
Table 2 Clinical comparison to the Primary and Permanent dentition Primary dentition trauma Permanent dentition trauma Displacement is common Tooth fracture is common Intrusion Maturation of root: Extrusion crown fracture or root fracture Displacement Immaturation of root: Mobility,displacement ,extrusion Account for 80% Account for 40-60%
Table 2 Clinical comparison to the Primary and Permanent dentition Primary dentition trauma Permanent dentition trauma Displacement is common Tooth fracture is common Intrusion Extrusion Displacement Maturation of root: crown fracture or root fracture Immaturation of root: Mobility,displacement ,extrusion Account for 80% Account for 40-60%
1.3 Classification Classification Andreasen WHO Li hong yi
Classification Andreasen WHO Li hong yi 1.3 Classification