重庆医科大学口腔医学院教案 【首页】 课程名称 Behavior Management Of The Pediatric Dental Patient 授课专业 stomatology 班级 2014grade under 课程编号 teaching graduate students 必修课校级公共课():基础或专业基础课():专业课(√) 课程类型 选修课限选课():任选课() 授课方式课堂讲授(√):实践课() 考核方式 考试():考查() 课程教学 two 学分数 总学时数 学时分配 课堂讲授two学时: 实践课 学时 出版社及 Publishing company ofthe 教材名称 "Pediatric Dentistry" 作者 LihongGe 出版时间 版次 fourth Edition 书名 作者 出版社及 出版时间 'Paediatric Dentistry Richard Oxford Welbury University 定参考书 Monty Press Third Editio 2005 Hosey. Saunders "Pediatric Dentistry:Infancy Pinkhan 5th Revised Through Adolescence DDS MS. Jimmy Ret,al Department of Pediatric Dentistry.College 授课教师 Jinhua Wang 职称 Vice 单位 Stomatology.Chongging professor Medical University 授课时间 8.50AM-10.20AM,25 october,2018 注:表中()选项请打“√刀 ;该页由教研室统一填写。 该页由授课教师填写,并在授课前两周交教研室主任审核
重庆医科大学口腔医学院教案 【首页】 课程名称 Behavior Management Of The Pediatric Dental Patient 授课专业 stomatology teaching 班级 2014grade under graduate students 课程编号 课程类型 必修课 校级公共课( );基础或专业基础课( );专业课( √) 选修课 限选课( );任选课( ) 授课方式 课堂讲授(√ );实践课( ) 考核方式 考试( );考查( ) 课程教学 总学时数 two 学 分 数 学时分配 课堂讲授 two 学时; 实践课 学时 教材名称 “Pediatric Dentistry” 作 者 LihongGe 出版社及 出版时间 版次 Publishing company of the people sanitation February,2013 fourth Edition 指 定 参 考 书 书名 作 者 出版社及 出版时间 “Paediatric Dentistry” “Pediatric Dentistry: Infancy Through Adolescence” Richard Welbury, Monty Duggal, Marie Therese Hosey. Pinkham DDS MS, Jimmy R,et,al Oxford University Press Third Edition 2005 Saunders; 5th Revised edition 2012 授课教师 Jinhua Wang 职 称 Vice professor 单 位 Department of Pediatric Dentistry,College of Stomatology,Chongqing Medical University 授课时间 8.50AM~10.20AM ,25 october,2018 注:表中( )选项请打“√” ;该页由教研室统一填写。 该页由授课教师填写,并在授课前两周交教研室主任审核
周次ninth week.third class 授课教师Jinhua Wang职称 Vice 25,0 ctober,.2018 p Behavior Management Of The Pediatric Dental Patient 备注 授课理论课(√)片实践课():实习() 教学时数two 方式 Main point: 1.The definition and goal of behavior management in pediatric dentistry 梦 2.Non-pharmacological behavior management 3.pharmacological behavior management 4.local anesthesia for Children 的及要求 教学主要内容 时间 分配 Section one Outline 5 minutes .The characters between doctor and patient in Pediatric dentistry and the 3minutes definition 2 goal 2minutes Section two Non-pharmacological behavior management 45 minutes 1.Adverse psychological reactions 10 minutes 2.Behavioral factors 5minutes 3.Patients in different age groups of children's oral admissions technology 3minutes 4.Non-pharmacological behavior management 27 minutes section three pharmacological behavior management 20minutes nitrous oxide combined Oxvgen sedation techniques 10minutes 2 minutes Intravenous injection sedation techniques 3 minutes 4.Children's dental treatment under general anesthesia techniques 5minutes Section four local anesthesia for Children local anesthesia Instructions 2minutes local anesthesia Operating essentials 2minutes Anesthesia maxillary molars 2 minutes 4 Anesthesia maxillary anterior teeth 2 minutes anesthesia Mandibular teeth 1minutes
周次 ninth week,third class 25, October,2018 授课教师 Jinhua Wang 职称 Vice professor 章 节 名 称 “Behavior Management Of The Pediatric Dental Patient” 备 注 授 课 方 式 理论课(√ );实践课();实习( ) 教学时数 two 教 学 目 的 及 要 求 Main point: 1. The definition and goal of behavior management in pediatric dentistry 2. Non-pharmacological behavior management 3. pharmacological behavior management 4. local anesthesia for Children 教 学 主 要 内 容 时 间 分 配 Section one Outline 1.The characters between doctor and patient in Pediatric dentistry and the definition 2.goal Section two Non-pharmacological behavior management 1. Adverse psychological reactions 2. Behavioral factors 3. Patients in different age groups of children's oral admissions technology 4. Non-pharmacological behavior management section three pharmacological behavior management 1. nitrous oxide combined Oxygen sedation techniques 2. Oral medications sedation techniques 3. Intravenous injection sedation techniques 4. Children's dental treatment under general anesthesia techniques Section four local anesthesia for Children 1. local anesthesia Instructions 2. local anesthesia Operating essentials 3. Anesthesia maxillary molars 4. Anesthesia maxillary anterior teeth 5. anesthesia Mandibular teeth 5 minutes 3 minutes 2 minutes 45 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 3 minutes 27 minutes 20minutes 10minutes 2 minutes 3 minutes 5 minutes 10minutes 2 minutes 2minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 1 minutes
6. local anesthesia Complication 1 minutes 1. definition Adverse psychological reactions 学 3.Behavioral factors 4. Non-pharmacological behavior management 5. nitrous oxide combined Oxygen sedation techniques 与 6. Children's dental treatment under general anesthesia techniques 点 外 Reguest tograsp essential hearing,speaking ability and master some special words. 语 求 教 Dictate,slide projector,and so on. 段 参 "Paediatric Dentistry"Oxford University Press,Third Edition,2005 "Pediatric Dentistry:Infancy Through Adolescence",Saunders;5th Revised edition 2012 料 课 To refer documents,and to know the latest research of Behavior Management Of The Pediatric 后 Dental Patient 求 To expand the students visual field. To consolidate knowledge about Behavior Management Of The Pediatric Dental Patient 研 主任意
6. local anesthesia Complication 1 minutes 教 学 重 点 与 难 点 1. definition 2. Adverse psychological reactions 3. Behavioral factors 4. Non-pharmacological behavior management 5. nitrous oxide combined Oxygen sedation techniques 6. Children's dental treatment under general anesthesia techniques 外 语 要 求 Reguest tograsp essential hearing,speaking ability and master some special words. 教 学 手 段 Dictate, slide projector ,and so on. 参 考 资 料 “Paediatric Dentistry”Oxford University Press,Third Edition,2005 “Pediatric Dentistry: Infancy Through Adolescence” , Saunders; 5th Revised edition 2012 课 后 要 求 To refer documents,and to know the latest research of Behavior Management Of The Pediatric Dental Patient To expand the students visual field. To consolidate knowledge about Behavior Management Of The Pediatric Dental Patient 教 研 室 主 任 意 见